Connect to a database

Learn how to connect your application to a Redis database hosted by Redis Enterprise Software and test your connection.

Redis Enterprise Software

After you set up a cluster and create a Redis database, you can connect to your database.

To connect to your database, you need the database endpoint, which includes the cluster name (FQDN) and the database port. To view and copy public and private endpoints for a database in the cluster, see the database’s Configuration > General section in the Cluster Manager UI.

View public and private endpoints from the General section of the database's Configuration screen.

If you try to connect with the FQDN, and the database does not respond, try connecting with the IP address. If this succeeds, DNS is not properly configured. To set up DNS, see Configure cluster DNS.

If you want to secure your connection, set up TLS.

Connect to a database

Use one of the following connection methods to connect to your database:

For examples, see Test client connection.

Continue learning with Redis University

See the Connect to a database on Redis Software for the course.

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