Check database availability

Verify if a Redis Software database is available to perform read and write operations and can respond to queries from client applications.

Redis Enterprise Software

You can use the database availability API to verify whether a Redis Software database is available to perform read and write operations and can respond to queries from client applications. Load balancers and automated monitoring tools can use this API to monitor database availability.

Database availability does not guarantee data availability.

Check database availability for monitoring

To monitor database availability, use the following REST API request:

GET /v1/bdbs/<database_id>/availability

If the OSS Cluster API is enabled, this request verifies all endpoints for this database are available. Otherwise, it verifies the database has at least one available endpoint.

Returns the status code 200 OK if the database is available.

If the database is unavailable, returns an error status code and a JSON object that contains error_code and description fields.

Check local database endpoint availability for load balancers

To check database availability when using a load balancer and the recommended all-nodes proxy policy, use the local database endpoints for each node:

GET /v1/local/bdbs/<database_id>/endpoint/availability

Returns the status code 200 OK if the local database endpoint is available.

If the local database endpoint is unavailable, returns an error status code and a JSON object that contains error_code and description fields.

Availability by database status

The following table shows the relationship between a database's status and availability. For more details about the database status values, see BDB status field.

Database status Availability
active Available
active-change-pending Available
creation-failed Not available
delete-pending ⚠️ Availability not guaranteed
import-pending Available
pending Available
recovery Not available
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