Install Redis Enterprise Software on Linux

Install Redis Enterprise Software on Linux.

Redis Enterprise Software

After you download a Redis Enterprise Software installation package, install it on one of the nodes in the cluster.

For installation on machines without an internet connection, see Offline installation.

Install on Linux

To install Redis Enterprise Software, use the command line:

  1. Copy the installation package to the node.

  2. On the node, change to the directory where the installation package is located and extract the installation files:

    tar vxf <tarfile name>
  3. (Optional) Use the GPG key file to confirm the authenticity of Ubuntu/Debian or RHEL RPM packages:

    • For Ubuntu:

      1. Import the key:
      gpg --import <path to GPG key>
      1. Verify the package signature:
      dpkg-sig --verify </path-to/package.deb>
    • For RHEL:

      1. Import the key:
      rpm --import <path to GPG key>
      1. Verify the package signature:
      rpm --checksig </path-to/package.rpm>
  4. To start the installation process, run the installation script. See installation script options for a list of command-line options you can add to the following command:

    sudo ./
    • The Redis Enterprise Software files are installed in the default file locations.
    • By default, Redis Enterprise Software runs on the OS as the redislabs user and redislabs group. If needed, you can specify a different user and group during the installation.
    • You must either be the root user or use sudo to run the installation script.
  5. Answer the installation questions when shown to complete the installation process.


    To skip the installation questions, use one of the following methods:

    • Run ./ -y to answer yes to all of the questions.
    • Create an answer file to answer installation questions automatically.
  6. When installation completes successfully, the output displays the Cluster Manager UI's IP address:

    2017-04-24 10:54:15 [!] Please logout and login again to make
    sure all environment changes are applied.
    2017-04-24 10:54:15 [!] Point your browser at the following
    URL to continue:
    2017-04-24 10:54:15 [!] https://<your_ip_here>:8443
  7. Repeat this process for each node in the cluster.

Auto Tiering installation

If you want to use Auto Tiering for your databases, review the prerequisites, storage requirements, and other considerations for Auto Tiering databases and prepare and format the flash memory.

After you install on Linux, use the prepare_flash script to prepare and format flash memory:

sudo /opt/redislabs/sbin/

This script finds unformatted disks and mounts them as RAID partitions in /var/opt/redislabs/flash.

To verify the disk configuration, run:

sudo lsblk

More info and options

To learn more about customization and find answers to related questions, see:


Several Redis Enterprise Software installation reference files are installed to the directory /etc/opt/redislabs/ even if you use custom installation directories.

As a workaround to install Redis Enterprise Software without using any root directories, do the following before installing Redis Enterprise Software:

  1. Create all custom, non-root directories you want to use with Redis Enterprise Software.

  2. Mount /etc/opt/redislabs to one of the custom, non-root directories.

Next steps

  1. Create or join an existing Redis Enterprise Software cluster.

  2. Create a database.

    For geo-distributed Active-Active replication, create an Active-Active database.

  3. Add users to the cluster with specific permissions. To begin, start with Access control.

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