Database operations metrics
Redis Enterprise Software | Redis Cloud |
Evicted objects/sec
Number of objects evicted from the database per second.
Objects are evicted from the database according to the eviction policy.
Object information is not measured during shard migration.
Components measured: Database and Shard
Expired objects/sec
Number of expired objects per second.
Object information is not measured during shard migration.
Components measured: Database and Shard
Hit ratio
Ratio of the number of operations on existing keys out of the total number of operations.
Components measured: Database and Shard
Read misses/sec
The number of read operations per second on keys that do not exist.
Read misses are not measured during shard migration.
Components measured: Database
Write misses/sec
Number of write operations per second on keys that do not exist.
Write misses are not measured during shard migration.
Components measured: Database and Shard
The total amount of time between sending a Redis operation and receiving a response from the database.
The graph shows average, minimum, maximum, and last latency values for all latency metrics.
Components measured: Database
Reads latency
Components measured: Database
Writes latency
Latency per write operation.
Components measured: Database
Other commands latency
Components measured: Database
Number of total operations per second, which includes read operations, write operations, and other operations.
Components measured: Cluster, Node, Database, and Shard
Number of total read operations per second.
To find out which commands are read operations, run the following command with redis-cli
ACL CAT read
Components measured: Database
Number of total write operations per second.
To find out which commands are write operations, run the following command with redis-cli
ACL CAT write
Components measured: Database
Pending writes min
Minimum number of write operations queued per Active-Active replica database.
Pending writes max
Maximum number of write operations queued per Active-Active replica database.
Other commands/sec
Number of operations per second that are not read operations or write operations.
Examples of other operations include PING, [AUTH](/docs/staging/dev/commands/auth/, and [INFO](/docs/staging/dev/commands/info/
Components measured: Database
Total keys
Total number of keys in the dataset.
Does not include replicated keys, even if replication is enabled.
Total keys is not measured during shard migration.
Components measured: Database