Redis Enterprise REST API objects
Documents the objects used with Redis Enterprise Software REST API calls.
Redis Enterprise Software |
Certain REST API requests require you to include specific objects in the request body. Many requests also return objects in the response body.
Both REST API requests and responses represent these objects as JSON.
Object | Description |
action | An object that represents cluster actions |
alert | An object that contains alert info |
bdb | An object that represents a database |
bdb_group | An object that represents a group of databases with a shared memory pool |
bootstrap | An object for bootstrap configuration |
check_result | An object that contains the results of a cluster check |
cluster | An object that represents a cluster |
cluster_settings | An object for cluster resource management settings |
cm_settings | A REST API object that represents Cluster Manager UI settings |
crdb | An object that represents an Active-Active database |
crdb_task | An object that represents a CRDB task |
db_alerts_settings | An object for database alerts configuration |
db_conns_auditing_config | An object for database connection auditing settings |
job_scheduler | An object for job scheduler settings |
jwt_authorize | An object for user authentication or a JW token refresh request |
ldap | An object that contains the cluster's LDAP configuration |
ldap_mapping | An object that represents a mapping between an LDAP group and roles |
module | An object that represents a Redis module |
node | An object that represents a node in the cluster |
ocsp | An object that represents the cluster's OCSP configuration |
ocsp_status | An object that represents the cluster's OCSP status |
proxy | An object that represents a proxy in the cluster |
redis_acl | An object that represents a Redis access control list (ACL) |
role | An object that represents a role |
services_configuration | An object for optional cluster services settings |
shard | An object that represents a database shard |
state-machine | An object that represents a state machine. |
statistics | An object that contains metrics for clusters, databases, nodes, or shards |
suffix | An object that represents a DNS suffix |
user | An API object that represents a Redis Enterprise user |