Release notes

Redis Enterprise Software

Here's what changed recently in Redis Enterprise Software:

Version (Release date)  Major changes Redis CE compatibility
7.8.x releases Redis Community Edition 7.4 features. Hash field expiration. Client-side caching support. Metrics stream engine preview. New APIs to check database availability, rebalance shards, fail over shards, and control database traffic. Cluster Manager UI enhancements for node actions, database tags, and database configuration. User manager role. Log rotation based on both size and time. Module management enhancements. Configurable minimum password length. Configurable license expiration alert threshold. Redis 7.4.0
7.4.x releases New Cluster Manager UI enhancements, including Active-Active database management. Full TLS 1.3 support. Automatic recovery configuration. Full IPv6 support, including for internal traffic. Maintenance mode enhancements. Module management enhancements. RHEL 9 support. Redis 7.2.0
7.2.4 releases Redis 7.0 and 7.2 features. Auto Tiering (enhanced successor to Redis on Flash). RESP3 support. Sharded pub/sub. Preview of the new Cluster Manager UI. Redis Stack 7.2 features. Three Redis database versions. License file structure updates. Redis ACL selectors and enhanced key-based permissions. New INFO fields. Log rotation enhancements. Multi-OS upgrade support for clusters with modules. Redis 7.2.0
6.4.2 releases Pub/sub ACLs & default permissions. Validate client certificates by subject attributes. Ubuntu 20.04 support. Redis 6.2.10
6.2.18 releases Database auditing. Private key encryption. Active-Active database support for MEMORY USAGE command. Redis 6.2.6
6.2.12 (August 2022) OCSP Support. Password & session configuration changes. RHEL 8.6 support. Redis 6.2.6
6.2.10 (February 2022) Python 3 support. RHEL 8.5 support. Redis 6.2.5
6.2.8 (October 2021) RHEL 8 support. Set backup start time. Redis 6.2.3
6.2.4 (August 2021) Internode encryption. Nginx replaced by envoy. New upgrade policies/behavior. Redis 6.2
6.0.20 (April 2021) Role-based LDAP integration. Enhanced client mutual authentication. Active-Active improvements for eviction policies, migration, and the BITFIELD data type. Redis 6.0.9
6.0.12 (January 2021) Distribute synchronization across nodes for Active-Active and Active-Passive databases. Disable internal services to free memory. User accounts support password rotation. Module depdencies automatically installed. Syncer process recovery. Redis 6.0.6
6.0.8 (September 2020) RediSearch 2.0 support. Improved rladmin support for module upgrades. Redis 6.0.5
6.0 (May 2020) ACL and RBAC improvements for database access. Active-Active databases support Redis Streams. Redis 6
Previous releases Release notes for Redis Enterprise Software 5.6.0 (April 2020) and earlier versions.
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