Redis Enterprise Software 5.0.2 (2018 March)

Redis Enterprise Software

Redis Enterprise Software 5.0.2 is now available. Key features include functional and performance updates for CRDB, changes to module deployment, and general fixes.


If you are upgrading from a previous version, make sure to review the upgrade instructions before beginning the upgrade process.

You can upgrade to RS 5.0.2 from RS 4.4.2 and above. If you have a version older than 4.4.2, you must first upgrade to at least 5.0.

Starting from RS 5.0.2, ports 3338 and 3339 should also be opened on each node for the purpose of internal cluster communication. For more information, check the 'network port configurations' page

New features


  • The ability to add and remove participating clusters from a CRDB
  • Communications between participating clusters can be encrypted using SSL/TLS
  • Imports can be done to an existing database without flushing the existing data beforehand.


  • Redis Enterprise Modules are installed with Redis Enterprise Software by default
  • RedisBloom and RediSearch Enterprise have been updated to newer versions


  • Discovery Service supports encryption using SSL/TLS
  • Starting from version 5.0.2 build #30, Redis Enterprise Software is supported on RHEL 7.5

Important fixes

  • RS16153 -- Supervisord version update
  • RS16667 - Fixed issue with 'rladmin status' timeout
  • RS17746 - Fixed upgrade issue when -s option used
  • RS17997, RS18088 - Upgrade issues when using non-default socket file path
  • RS8584 -- Endpoint migration provided misleading plan message
  • RS17696 - Fixed issues with Multi-proxy and intermittent network issues
  • RS17362 - Upgrade fails under some circumstances
  • RS18351 - Listener active after node has been declared dead
  • RS18874 - Fixed OOM issue due to redis_mgr high memory consumption
  • RS19002 - Fixed wrong message when an upgrade of a quorum node with all-nodes policy takes place

Important Fixes in Build #30:

  • RS19701 - Fixed high CPU usage on large scale clusters
  • RS19869- Added support for Redis version 4.0.9
  • RS20153- Fixed Redis important security issues related to the Lua scripting engine
  • RS19852- Fixed proxy crash which might happen for SSL-enabled DBs

Known limitations

  • Since Redis Enterprise CRDBs have counters, unlike traditional Redis databases, they must be handled differently when importing. There is a special type of import because of importing counter data types. When performing the import through the admin console, you will be prompted to confirm you want to add the data to the CRDB or stop and go flush the database.
  • This version of RS comes with a pre-bundled python which might over-ride your default installed python version, this can be solved by changing your PATH environment variable.
  • Uploading a Redis Module through the admin console, can be performed only when the admin console is connected to the master node.
  • Write operations are not allowed for database which was created with password of exactly 50-characters.
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