Redis Enterprise Software release notes 6.2.18-65 (December 2022)

Added To field to test email server alerts. New flag to skip cluster resource validation during imports. Improved error messages.

Redis Enterprise Software

This is a maintenance release for ​​Redis Enterprise Software version 6.2.18.

The following table shows the MD5 checksums for the available packages:

Package MD5 checksum (6.2.18-65 December release)
Ubuntu 16 515c7bbc97eaf1939757c8894eda9523
Ubuntu 18 830e8704c0f6902a04df9ff53cc5e41f
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OL) 7
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OL) 8

New features and enhancements

  • When setting up an alert email server in the UI: added a To field to the test email server function (RS86119)
  • Added a new flag to skip cluster resource validation when performing import (RS88086)
  • Enhanced error message information for connection handling
  • Added logging details to insufficient_resources planner error

Redis modules

Redis Enterprise Software v6.2.18-65 (December release) includes newer versions of the following Redis modules:

See Upgrade modules to learn how to upgrade a module for a database.

Resolved issues

  • RS87191 - Fixes syncer stop due to cross slot violation error in Auto Tiering

Known upgrade limitations

Before you upgrade a cluster that hosts Active-Active databases with modules to v6.2.18, perform the following steps:

  1. Use crdb-cli to verify that the modules (modules) and their versions (in module_list) are as they appear in the database configuration and in the default database configuration:

    crdb-cli crdb get --crdb-guid <crdb-guid>
  2. From the admin console's redis modules tab, validate that these modules with their specific versions are loaded to the cluster.

  3. If one or more of the modules/versions are missing or if you need help, contact Redis support before taking additional steps.

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