Redis Enterprise Software release notes 6.4.2-61 (April 2023)

Amazon Linux 2 support. Fixed known limitations for custom installation on RHEL 7 and RHEL 8, running rl_rdbconvert manually, and resharding rack-aware databases with no replication.

Redis Enterprise Software

This is a maintenance release for ​​Redis Enterprise Software version 6.4.2.

The following table shows the MD5 checksums for the available packages:

Package MD5 checksum (6.4.2-61 April release)
Ubuntu 16 f8f616147c9daaaeb9cd8cb1ae44157f
Ubuntu 18 1de5b0bafd4edec8d7817bddcecf3824
Ubuntu 20 829e91c7fac1a0ab7e36cb4a65d19906
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OL) 7
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OL) 8
Rocky Enterprise Linux
Amazon Linux 2 (Release Candidate) e246ae158db32e0a483a23392b2a7f47

New features and enhancements

  • Amazon Linux 2 supported as a release candidate (RC)

    A database with modules cannot reside on an Amazon Linux 2 (release candidate) node. Support will be added in a future maintenance release.
  • Add node ID indication to debug_info package (RS95360)

  • Add support for underscore _ as a valid character for rack awareness (RS87458)

  • When updating a BDB object, the version property is immutable. Any validation will be performed according to the BDB object version that was set during upgrade or install (RS93294)

Redis Stack v6.2.6

Redis Enterprise Software v6.4.2 includes the new features delivered in the latest Redis Stack release (6.2.6 v6):

See Upgrade modules to learn how to upgrade a module for a database.

Version changes


Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu 16 support is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Active-Active database persistence

The RDB snapshot option for Active-Active database persistence is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Please plan to reconfigure any Active-Active databases to use append-only file (AOF) persistence with the following command:

crdb-cli crdb update --crdb-guid <CRDB_GUID> \
    --default-db-config '{"data_persistence": "aof", "aof_policy":"appendfsync-every-sec"}'

Resolved issues

  • RS95344 - Fixed known limitation for RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 where CRDB databases fail to start when installed using custom installation paths

  • RS88010 - Roll back node configuration when the remove node operation fails

  • RS95824 - Fixed an issue with running rl_rdbconvert on Ubuntu

  • RS97971 - Fixed known limitation for the edge case where resharding fails for rack-aware databases with no replication

Known limitations

Operating system limitations

Ubuntu 20.04

By default, you cannot use the SHA1 hash algorithm (OpenSSL’s default security level is set to 2). The operating system will reject SHA1 certificates even if the mtls_allow_weak_hashing option is enabled. You need to replace SHA1 certificates with newer certificates that use SHA-256. Note that the certificates provided with Redis Enterprise Software use SHA-256.

Modules not supported for Amazon Linux 2 release candidate

A database with modules cannot reside on an Amazon Linux 2 (release candidate) node. Support will be added in a future maintenance release.

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