Redis Enterprise Software release notes 6.4.2-69 (May 2023)

Amazon Linux 2 support. Configure envoy ports using rladmin. Added option to avoid specific nodes when using the optimized shards placement API. Added failure_detection_sensitivity to replace watchdog_profile.

Redis Enterprise Software

This is a maintenance release for ​​Redis Enterprise Software version 6.4.2.

The following table shows the MD5 checksums for the available packages:

Package MD5 checksum (6.4.2-69 May release)
Ubuntu 16 31631248672de0154ec20aee0bff9adc
Ubuntu 18 7d9ebd4ea5a23137d2bb3928134ea6ef
Ubuntu 20 357ceda7467fd66962f3cb5aa143def7
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OL) 7
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OL) 8
Rocky Enterprise Linux
Amazon Linux 2 7ed06bc0b35494e4a5c084528d6e8b9f

New features and enhancements

  • Amazon Linux 2 support

  • Enhanced installation logs (RS69079, RS69571, RS77857, RS89760)

  • Added support for rladmin envoy port configuration (RS95483)

  • Support the option to avoid specific nodes when using optimized shards placement API (RS98795)

  • Check port availability before installation and upgrade (RS80815)

  • Added failure_detection_sensitivity policy to cluster policy REST API requests. See the watchdog_profile deprecation notice for more details.

Redis Stack v6.2.6

Redis Enterprise Software v6.4.2 includes the new features delivered in the latest Redis Stack release (6.2.6 v6):

See Upgrade modules to learn how to upgrade a module for a database.

Version changes



The watchdog_profile setting is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, use the failure_detection_sensitivity policy for predefined thresholds and timeouts:

rladmin tune cluster failure_detection_sensitivity [ high | low ]

The failure_detection_sensitivity policy has the following options:

  • high (previously known as local-network watchdog_profile) – high failure detection sensitivity, lower thresholds, and faster failure detection and failover

  • low (previously known as cloud watchdog_profile) – low failure detection sensitivity and higher tolerance for latency variance (also called network jitter)

Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu 16 support is deprecated, and support will be removed in a future release.

Active-Active database persistence

The RDB snapshot option for Active-Active database persistence is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Please plan to reconfigure any Active-Active databases to use append-only file (AOF) persistence with the following command:

crdb-cli crdb update --crdb-guid <CRDB_GUID> \
    --default-db-config '{"data_persistence": "aof", "aof_policy":"appendfsync-every-sec"}'

Resolved issues

  • RS97528 - Prevent self-signed certificate script error on Ubuntu 20.04 by changing the user instructions.

  • RS99643 - Fix cipher_suites configuration to allow default cipher suites according to the control plane, data plane, and discovery service.


  • RS54226 - During upgrades, a CRDB worker process would intermittently get stuck in a restart loop. This issue is now fixed.

Known limitations

Feature limitations

  • RS78430 - When tuning module arguments, any typo or use of unsupported arguments can cause shards to get stuck after restart.

Operating system limitations

Ubuntu 20.04

By default, you cannot use the SHA1 hash algorithm (OpenSSL’s default security level is set to 2). The operating system will reject SHA1 certificates even if the mtls_allow_weak_hashing option is enabled. You need to replace SHA1 certificates with newer certificates that use SHA-256. Note that the certificates provided with Redis Enterprise Software use SHA-256.

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