Redis Software release notes 7.8.x

Redis Community Edition 7.4 features. Hash field expiration. Client-side caching support. Metrics stream engine preview. New APIs to check database availability, rebalance shards, fail over shards, and control database traffic. Cluster Manager UI enhancements for node actions, database tags, and database configuration. User manager role. Log rotation based on both size and time. Module management enhancements. Configurable minimum password length. Configurable license expiration alert threshold.

Redis Enterprise Software

​Redis Software version 7.8 is now available!


This version offers:

  • Redis Community Edition 7.4 features

  • Hash field expiration

  • Client-side caching support

  • Metrics stream engine preview

  • New APIs to check database availability, rebalance shards, fail over shards, and control database traffic

  • Cluster Manager UI enhancements for node actions, database tags, and database configuration

  • User manager role

  • Log rotation based on both size and time

  • Module management enhancements

  • Configurable minimum password length

  • Configurable license expiration alert threshold

Detailed release notes

For more detailed release notes, select a build version from the following table:

Version (Release date)  Major changes Redis CE compatibility
7.8.4-95 (March 2025) Bug fixes for server restart failures during upgrades, connectivity checks for optional services, swapped shard status and watchdog status values in `rladmin`, process exporter crashes, and a syncer issue for Active-Active databases that have the OSS Cluster API enabled. Redis 7.4.0
7.8.4-66 (February 2025) Ubuntu 22 support. Bug fixes for crashes, unexpected restarts, and incorrect type for the automatically calculated replica buffer. Redis 7.4.0
7.8.4-18 (December 2024) Certificate-based authentication for the REST API. Dry run option to validate Redis ACL REST API requests. Redis 7.4.0
7.8.2-60 (December 2024) Bug fixes, including a fix for a RHEL 8 OpenSSL dependency issue that caused frequent restarts of the `cm_server` and prevented access to the Redis Software Cluster Manager UI after upgrading to Redis Software version 7.8.2-34. Redis 7.4.0
7.8.2-34 (November 2024) Redis Community Edition 7.4 features. Hash field expiration. Client-side caching support. Metrics stream engine preview. New APIs to check database availability, rebalance shards, fail over shards, and control database traffic. Cluster Manager UI enhancements for node actions, database tags, and database configuration. User manager role. Log rotation based on both size and time. Module management enhancements. Configurable minimum password length. Configurable license expiration alert threshold. Redis 7.4.0

Version changes

  • Added validation to verify the LDAP server URI contains a host and port when updating LDAP configuration.

  • The value of the oss_sharding API field had no effect in previous versions of Redis Software. However, oss_sharding is now set to take effect as part of future plans. Until further notice, set this field to false to avoid unintended impacts.

Breaking changes

Redis Software version 7.8.2 introduces the following breaking changes:

  • When you upgrade a database, the upgrade process also attempts to upgrade database modules by default.

    • The default value of latest_with_modules has changed to true.

    • rladmin upgrade db will always upgrade the database's modules.

    • When you upgrade a database using the REST API, you can set "latest_with_modules": false in the request body to prevent module upgrades.

Redis database version 7.4 breaking changes

When new major versions of Redis Community Edition change existing commands, upgrading your database to a new version can potentially break some functionality. Before you upgrade, read the provided list of breaking changes that affect Redis Software and update any applications that connect to your database to handle these changes.

Confirm your Redis database version (redis_version) using the Cluster Manager UI or run the following INFO command with redis-cli:

$ redis-cli -p <port> INFO
"# Server
Security behavior changes
  • #13108 Lua: LRU eviction for scripts generated with EVAL.
Other general behavior changes
  • #13133 Lua: allocate VM code with jemalloc instead of libc and count it as used memory.

  • #12171 ACL LOAD: do not disconnect all clients.

Product lifecycle updates

End-of-life policy extension

The end-of-life policy for Redis Software versions 6.2 and later has been extended to 24 months after the formal release of the subsequent major version. For the updated end-of-life schedule, see the Redis Software product lifecycle.

Supported upgrade paths

Redis Software versions 6.2.4 and 6.2.8 do not support direct upgrades beyond version 7.4.x. Versions 6.2.10, 6.2.12, and 6.2.18 are part of the upgrade path. To upgrade from 6.2.4 or 6.2.8 to versions later than 7.4.x, an intermediate upgrade is required.

The next major Redis Software release will still bundle Redis database version 6.2 and allow database upgrades from Redis database version 6.2 to 7.x.

See the Redis Software product lifecycle for more information about release numbers.

End of triggers and functions preview

The triggers and functions (RedisGears) preview has been discontinued.

  • Commands such as TFCALL, TFCALLASYNC, and TFUNCTION will be deprecated and will return error messages.

  • Any JavaScript functions stored in Redis will be removed.

  • JavaScript-based triggers will be blocked.

  • Lua functions and scripts will not be affected.

If your database currently uses triggers and functions, you need to:

  1. Adjust your applications to accommodate these changes.

  2. Delete all triggers and functions libraries from your existing database:


    2. Copy all library names.

    3. Run TFUNCTION DELETE for each library in the list.

    If any triggers and functions libraries remain in the database, the RDB snapshot won't load on a cluster without RedisGears.

  3. Migrate your database to a new database without the RedisGears module.


API deprecations

V1 Prometheus metrics deprecation

V1 Prometheus metrics are deprecated but still available. To transition to the new metrics stream engine, either migrate your existing dashboards using Prometheus v1 metrics and equivalent v2 PromQL now, or wait to use new preconfigured dashboards when they become available in a future release.

Download center modules deprecation

New Redis modules will not be available for download from the Redis download center.

Legacy UI not supported

The legacy UI was deprecated in favor of the new Cluster Manager UI in Redis Software version 7.2.4 and is no longer supported as of Redis Software version 7.8.2.

Redis 6.0 databases not supported

Redis database version 6.0 was deprecated in Redis Software version 7.4.2 and is no longer supported as of Redis Software version 7.8.2.

To prepare for the removal of Redis database version 6.0 before you upgrade to Redis Software version 7.8.2:

  • For Redis Software 6.2.* clusters, upgrade Redis 6.0 databases to Redis 6.2. See the Redis 6.2 release notes for the list of changes.

  • For Redis Software 7.2.4 and 7.4.2 clusters, upgrade Redis 6.0 databases to Redis 7.2. Before you upgrade your databases, see the list of Redis 7.2 breaking changes and update any applications that connect to your database to handle these changes.

Ubuntu 18.04 not supported

Ubuntu 18.04 was deprecated in Redis Software version 7.2.4 and is no longer supported as of Redis Software version 7.8.2.

Upcoming changes

Default image change for Redis Software containers

Starting with version 7.8, Redis Software containers with the image tag x.y.z-build will be based on RHEL instead of Ubuntu.

This change will only affect you if you use containers outside the official Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes product and use Ubuntu-specific commands.

To use Ubuntu-based images after this change, you can specify the operating system suffix in the image tag. For example, use the image tag 7.4.2-216.focal instead of 7.4.2-216.

Supported platforms

The following table provides a snapshot of supported platforms as of this Redis Software release. See the supported platforms reference for more details about operating system compatibility.

Supported – The platform is supported for this version of Redis Software and Redis Stack modules.

⚠️ Deprecation warning – The platform is still supported for this version of Redis Software, but support will be removed in a future release.

Redis Software
major versions
7.8 7.4 7.2 6.4 6.2
Release date Nov 2024 Feb 2024 Aug 2023 Feb 2023 Aug 2021
End-of-life date Determined after
next major release
Nov 2026 Feb 2026 Aug 2025 Feb 2025
RHEL 9 &
compatible distros1
FIPS mode5
RHEL 8 &
compatible distros1
RHEL 7 &
compatible distros1
Ubuntu 22.042
Ubuntu 20.042
Ubuntu 18.042 ⚠️ ⚠️
Ubuntu 16.042 ⚠️
Amazon Linux 2
Amazon Linux 1
  1. The RHEL-compatible distributions CentOS, CentOS Stream, Alma, and Rocky are supported if they have full RHEL compatibility. Oracle Linux running the Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) is supported, but the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) is not supported.

  2. The server version of Ubuntu is recommended for production installations. The desktop version is only recommended for development deployments.

  3. See the Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes documentation for details about support per version and Kubernetes distribution.

  4. Docker images of Redis Software are certified for development and testing only.

  5. Supported only if FIPS was enabled during RHEL installation to ensure FIPS compliance.

Known issues

  • RS131972: Creating an ACL that contains a line break in the Cluster Manager UI can cause shard migration to fail due to ACL errors.

Known limitations

Upload modules before OS upgrade

If the cluster contains any databases that use modules, you must upload module packages for the target OS version to a node in the existing cluster before you upgrade the cluster's operating system.

See Upgrade a cluster's operating system for detailed upgrade instructions.

New Cluster Manager UI limitations

The following legacy UI features are not yet available in the new Cluster Manager UI:

RedisGraph prevents upgrade to RHEL 9

You cannot upgrade from a prior RHEL version to RHEL 9 if the Redis Software cluster contains a RedisGraph module, even if unused by any database. The RedisGraph module has reached end-of-life and is completely unavailable in RHEL 9.

Query results might include hash keys with lazily expired fields

If one or more fields of a hash key expire after an FT.SEARCH or FT.AGGREGATE query begins, Redis does not account for these lazily expired fields. As a result, keys with expired fields might still be included in the query results, leading to potentially incorrect or inconsistent results.

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