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From SQL to NoSQL: Using Redis as your Primary Database

If your application has a caching layer, Redis is likely powering it. Redis is fast, resilient, and a staple of modern application architectures. But did you know Redis supports a variety of use cases beyond caching traditionally performed with a relational database?

Redis Stack adds JSON documents as a native data type and powerful search capabilities over those documents. These newly acquired functions let Redis do most things a relational database can at speeds they can only dream of.

Senior Developer Advocate Brian Sam-Bodden will introduce you to the power of Search in Redis to query structured and unstructured data and show how Redis helps to narrow the SQL to NoSQL gap by allowing common SQL patterns to be implemented in Redis’ key-value and document data store.

Using Redis’ search capabilities, you’ll learn:

  • How to create rich domain entities with Redis and Spring
  • How to query data in Redis with SQL-like flexibility
  • How to use Boolean logic, full-text search, numeric ranges, geo radiuses, and more.
  • How to create secondary indexes for your existing Redis data
  • How to build reporting and analytics queries using aggregations (COUNT, SUM, etc.)

Event Speaker

Brian Sam-Bodden, Dev Advocate, Redis

Brian Sam-Bodden

Senior Developer Advocate

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