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The Total Economic Impact of Redis Enterprise

The digital economy demands ultra-fast, real-time data processing to meet customer needs, and Redis Enterprise meets those demands with better performance and higher uptime at a lower cost than customers’ legacy SQL and NoSQL databases.

Read the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ study commissioned by Redis to see how a composite Redis customer achieved:

  • $1.8M in savings on new projects, competitor transitions, and relational database conversions
  • $1.6M in new revenue from accelerated time to market enabled by Redis’ speed and stability
  • $952K in avoided downtime and SLA penalties from improved performance
  • $949K in improved efficiency for IT and DevOps teams

All told, the composite customer realized 350% ROI and $4.12M in net present value over three years—with payback of less than 6 months. 

Download the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ of Redis Enterprise

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