Here at Redis Cloud, our mission is to provide enterprise-class Redis to developers. At AWS re:Invent, developers, business leaders, and cloud visionaries will come together to share ideas and learn from each other, and we’re very excited to be a part of it again. If you’re at the event, we hope you’ll join us for any or all of the following…
Our staff, customers, partners, and friends will be there to share how we empower developers with enterprise-class Redis. We’ll also have really cool goodies for you 🙂
Dr. Carlson will be joining the team and available to discuss a variety of Redis and NoSQL high RAM topics as well as feature his book ‘Redis In Action’.
We’ll be making several exciting and ground breaking announcements at the event. We look forward to seeing you at booth #627! Feel free to contact Cameron on our team for questions or advance bookings by email or twitter.