RedisJSON powered by RediSearch is now out in public preview. In this blog post, we’ll dive into getting you started using RedisJSON’s new JSON indexing, querying, and full-text search capabilities by looking at how it was used to build RedisMart’s product catalog service. In case you missed it, RedisMart is the fully-functional real-time retail store we demoed during the RedisConf 2021 keynote presentation. We also published a blog with a deep-dive into the main requirements and architecture of the RedisMart retail application.
RedisJSON is a high-performance document store built on top of Redis open source and available as a source-available license. Its primary goal is to allow you to take the JSON objects you’re likely already using in your application and make them accessible and searchable within Redis. It also offers a more sophisticated data API than the simple hash API, allowing you to expand your data model without having to use multiple keys.
There are a few ways that you can get started using RedisJSON:
For this post, we’re going to be using the Docker container option:
$ docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redislabs/rejson:preview
Once you have that running, you can connect to it using redis-cli:
$ redis-cli json.set foo . '{"hello" : "json"}' OK $ redis-cli json.get foo hello "\"json\""
RedisMart is built in Python, so we’ll connect using the recently simplified developer tools.
At Redis, we tend to prefer using Poetry for dependency management, but the process for adding redis-py to your application is roughly the same for both:
poetry add redis
Or, of course:
pip install redis
Once we have redis-py added to our Python environment, we can connect to our Docker container and do a simple “hello world” application:
from redis import Redis R = Redis() R.json().set('key', '.', {'hello':'json'}) print(R.json().get('key'))
Now that we have the basics in place, let’s create our data model and index.
To paraphrase the great Carl Sagan, if you wish to make a RedisJSON product catalog service from scratch, you must first create a search index. For RedisMart, we used a realistic, but straightforward, data model. (See the full Gist here.)
SAMPLE_DATA = [{'SKU': '43214563', 'categories': 'electronics,headphones', 'long_description': 'Monocle ipsum dolor sit amet k-pop smart bespoke, alluring wardrobe espresso Zürich charming Nordic ANA destination elegant bureaux handsome Melbourne. ', 'name': 'Craniumcandy - Wireless Over-the-Ear Headphones - Crazy Tropical', 'price': 100, 'rating': 1, 'short_description': 'Toto, K-pop sharp the highest quality sleepy boutique joy.'}, {'SKU': '431553432', 'name': 'Doodle - Sprite Buds True Wireless In-Ear Headphones - Night Black', 'short_description': 'Beams the highest quality remarkable Swiss concierge. Cosy signature the best extraordinary.', 'long_description': 'Discerning airport first-class, elegant conversation artisanal Beams flat white ryokan Helsinki Boeing 787 K-pop concierge soft power iconic. Toto Melbourne pintxos, joy destination global craftsmanship St Moritz smart premium boutique. Boeing 787 premium first-class extraordinary the best Zürich discerning elegant. Charming impeccable emerging sophisticated international Airbus A380 efficient Beams cosy Marylebone Muji Asia-Pacific. Charming uniforms Beams airport, essential Zürich global Nordic extraordinary Boeing 787 iconic vibrant.', 'price': 180, 'rating': 5, 'categories': 'electronics,headphones'}, {'SKU': '8743153432', 'name': 'Doodle - Sprite 6 Expert', 'short_description': 'Beams the highest quality remarkable Swiss concierge. Cosy signature the best extraordinary.', 'long_description': 'Discerning airport first-class, elegant conversation artisanal Beams flat white ryokan Helsinki Boeing 787 K-pop concierge soft power iconic. Toto Melbourne pintxos, joy destination global craftsmanship St Moritz smart premium boutique. Boeing 787 premium first-class extraordinary the best Zürich discerning elegant. Charming impeccable emerging sophisticated international Airbus A380 efficient Beams cosy Marylebone Muji Asia-Pacific. Charming uniforms Beams airport, essential Zürich global Nordic extraordinary Boeing 787 iconic vibrant.', 'price': 899, 'rating': 5, 'categories': 'cell phone,electronics'}, {'SKU': '4316647899', 'name': 'Blues Banjo Songs for Noobs - Gal Nimoy', 'short_description': 'The best Boeing 787 Lufthansa Toto. Destination Singapore efficient Nordic craftsmanship.', 'long_description': 'Wardrobe Fast Lane exclusive perfect delightful extraordinary Melbourne K-pop classic Airbus A380 elegant the highest quality. Emerging boutique concierge quality of life finest, punctual elegant delightful pintxos airport tote bag Muji flat white Swiss.', 'price': 23, 'rating': 3, 'categories': 'books,music'}, {'SKU': '84836424542', 'name': 'Be Here Now - Richard Alpert', 'short_description': 'The best Boeing 787 Lufthansa Toto. Destination Singapore efficient Nordic craftsmanship.', 'long_description': 'Wardrobe Fast Lane exclusive perfect delightful extraordinary Melbourne K-pop classic Airbus A380 elegant the highest quality. Emerging boutique concierge quality of life finest, punctual elegant delightful pintxos airport tote bag Muji flat white Swiss.', 'price': 42, 'rating': 3, 'categories': 'books'}]
Taking it and creating an index is pretty straightforward:
definition = IndexDefinition(prefix=[PRODUCTS_KEY.format('')], index_type=IndexType.JSON) ## Categories implemented as Tags - allows for more complex searching ctg_field = TagField('$.categories', as_name='categories') ctg_field_params = list(ctg_field.args) ctg_field.args = tuple(ctg_field_params) ## actually create the index client.create_index(( TagField("$.SKU", as_name='SKU'), TextField("$.name", as_name='name'), TextField("$.short_description", as_name='short_description'), TextField("$.long_description", as_name='long_description'), NumericField("$.price", sortable=True, as_name='price'), NumericField("$.rating", sortable=True, as_name='rating'), ctg_field), definition=definition)
Notice how, for each field, we’re using the as_name argument to set an alias for the full path. This is helpful for two reasons: one, you don’t have to specify the full path when you’re using that attribute in your query. And two, it allows you to change the underlying path of that attribute without having to change the code that calls it.
Once the index is created, you’ll use the same object to search it. Best practice is to first check to see if the index is created by using the .info() method, and if it isn’t, to do so. Let’s expand our search index creation code to add those cases:
client = SearchClient(PRODUCTS_INDEX_KEY, conn=R) try: return client except ResponseError: print("index doesn't exist, creating")
A nice thing about using RedisJSON is that you can easily add new fields to your index with the FT.ALTER command.
Next, we’ll make this search functionality accessible to the rest of the application.
One requirement for this project was that we’d be able to query the product catalog using different attributes. Querying by name of the product is an obvious choice, but we also implemented filtering by price, rating, and category as well. In the faceted navigation menu, you can use it to quickly find what you are looking for.
The category also shows up in the autocomplete drop-down powered by the fuzzy search feature of RedisJSON:
Fuzzy search is easy to do using the Suggestions feature, which we can add to any data that we’re adding to the catalog:
def add_products(): ''' Ingests the sample data into the DB ''' with R.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipeline: for product in SAMPLE_DATA: key = PRODUCTS_KEY.format(product['SKU']) pipeline.jsonset(key, Path.rootPath(), product) ac = AutoCompleter(AUTOCOMPLETE_KEY, conn=pipeline) categories = product['categories'].split(',') suggestions = [Suggestion(product['name'])] suggestions.extend([Suggestion(category) for category in categories]) ac.add_suggestions(*suggestions) pipeline.execute()
Now that we have our index and suggestions setup, let’s build a search query function for our product microservice:
def search_products(name=None, categories=None, price=None, rating=None, fields=None, paging=None, sort_by='name', ascending=True, **kwargs): ''' Search the product catalog name - name of the product categories - comma delimited category list (category1,category2) price - price range, hyphen delimited (price_low-price_high) rating - rating range, hyphen delmited (rating_low-rating_high) fields - object fields to return in response paging - comma delimited, show item range in this page (paging_start,paging_end) sort_by - field to sort by ascending - ascending or descending ''' ## for non-numeric search terms, we'll build the term query search_terms = [] if name: search_terms.append(f'@name:{name}') if categories: _categories = categories.split(',') search_terms.append(f'@categories:{{{"|".join(_categories)}}}') ## tag search uses {} vs () for compounds if search_terms: ## join the non-numeric terms together to create the query object terms_query = ' '.join(search_terms) else: ## no non-numeric ones were set, wildcard terms_query = '*' ## create and configure query object query = Query(terms_query) query.sort_by(sort_by, asc=ascending) if paging is not None: query.paging(*paging.split(',')) if fields is not None: query.return_fields(*fields.split(',')) ## numeric terms and other query parameters if price: price_low, price_high = price.split('-') query.add_filter(NumericFilter('price', price_low, price_high)) if rating: rating_low, rating_high = rating.split('-') query.add_filter(NumericFilter('rating', rating_low, rating_high)) ## execute search result = product_index().search(query) return [loads(doc.json) for doc in] # in order to get these all into one json obj, we'll need to transerialze them
Last, but not least, we’ll need to add the ability to add and modify items from the rest of the application.
For RedisMart, we put the product catalog inside of a microservice.
In order to complete the REST API, we’ll need to add our creation, update and delete flows.
ALLOWED_FIELDS = ['SKU', 'name', 'categories', 'short_description', 'long_description', 'price', 'rating'] @app.route('/') def get_search(): ''' Search the product catalog URL Args: name - name of the product categories - comma delimited category list (category1,category2) price - price range, hyphen delimited (price_low-price_high) rating - rating range, hyphen delmited (rating_low-rating_high) fields - object fields to return in response paging - tuple of item range to show in this page (beginning, end) sort_by - field to sort by ascending - ascending or descending ''' return jsonify(search_products(**request.args)) @app.route('/suggestions/<string:stem>') def get_suggestions(stem): ''' Get autocomplete suggestions for a given stem ''' return jsonify(get_suggestions(escape(stem))) @app.route('/product', methods=['POST']) def post_product(): ''' HTTP POST request to create/update a product ''' product = {} for k, v in request.form.items(): if k not in ALLOWED_FIELDS: return f'{k} not allowed in product POST request', 403 product[k] = v key = PRODUCTS_KEY.format(product['SKU']) R.jsonset(key, Path.rootPath(), product) return Response(status=200) @app.route('/product/<string:sku>') def get_product(sku): ''' Get the JSON object for a product from its SKU ''' key = PRODUCTS_KEY.format(sku) return jsonify(R.jsonget(key)) @app.route('/product/<string:sku>', methods=['DELETE']) def delete_product(sku): ''' Remove a product from the catalog ''' key = PRODUCTS_KEY.format(sku) key_deleted = R.delete(key) if key_deleted: return Response(status=200) else: return Response(status=404)
By now, you can see how to easily take your JSON-based product data and make it searchable and accessible to any modern application by using a microservice. In addition to indexing, searching, and full-text search features on JSON documents, RedisJSON powered by RediSearch also includes powerful data aggregation capabilities (see tutorial and online course). Here’s some links to get you started
Prerequisites: Python 3.9 + Redis & RedisJSON 2.0 To run: ## if you want to run the container locally docker run - d - p 6379 : 6379 redislabs / rejson:preview pip3 install poetry poetry install poetry run python3 Access by navigating to http: / / localhost: 5000 |
[tool.poetry] name = "redismart_product_catalog" version = "0.1.0" description = "Accompanying Code for RedisMart Blog Pt. 2" authors = [] license = "BSD" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.9" redis = "^3.5.3" rejson = "^0.5.4" Flask = "^2.0.2" [ - dependencies] [build - system] requires = [ "poetry-core>=1.0.0" ] build - backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" |
# Copyright 2021 Redis Ltd. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or # other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING # IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from json import JSONDecoder, loads from flask import Flask, request, Response, escape, jsonify from rejson import Client, Path from redis import ResponseError from redisearch.client import IndexType from redisearch import (Client as SearchClient, NumericField, TextField, TagField, IndexDefinition, Suggestion, AutoCompleter, NumericFilter, Query) class RedisJsonDecoder(JSONDecoder): def decode( self , s, * args, * * kwargs): if isinstance (s, bytes): s = s.decode( 'UTF-8' ) elif isinstance (s, list ): return s[ 0 ] return super (RedisJsonDecoder, self ).decode(s, * args, * * kwargs) R = Client(decode_responses = True , encoding_errors = 'ignore' , decoder = RedisJsonDecoder()) assert app = Flask(__name__) ######### ## API ## ######### ALLOWED_FIELDS = [ 'SKU' , 'name' , 'categories' , 'short_description' , 'long_description' , 'price' , 'rating' ] @app .route( '/' ) def get_search(): ''' Search the product catalog URL Args: name - name of the product categories - comma delimited category list (category1,category2) price - price range, hyphen delimited (price_low-price_high) rating - rating range, hyphen delmited (rating_low-rating_high) fields - object fields to return in response paging - tuple of item range to show in this page (beginning, end) sort_by - field to sort by ascending - ascending or descending ''' return jsonify(search_products( * * request.args)) @app .route( '/suggestions/<string:stem>' ) def get_suggestions(stem): ''' Get autocomplete suggestions for a given stem ''' return jsonify(get_suggestions(escape(stem))) @app .route( '/product' , methods = [ 'POST' ]) def post_product(): ''' HTTP POST request to create/update a product ''' product = {} for k, v in request.form.items(): if k not in ALLOWED_FIELDS: return f '{k} not allowed in product POST request' , 403 product[k] = v key = PRODUCTS_KEY. format (product[ 'SKU' ]) R.jsonset(key, Path.rootPath(), product) return Response(status = 200 ) @app .route( '/product/<string:sku>' ) def get_product(sku): ''' Get the JSON object for a product from its SKU ''' key = PRODUCTS_KEY. format (sku) return jsonify(R.jsonget(key)) @app .route( '/product/<string:sku>' , methods = [ 'DELETE' ]) def delete_product(sku): ''' Remove a product from the catalog ''' key = PRODUCTS_KEY. format (sku) key_deleted = R.delete(key) if key_deleted: return Response(status = 200 ) else : return Response(status = 404 ) ######## ## DB ## ######## PRODUCTS_KEY = 'prod:{}' PRODUCTS_INDEX_KEY = 'idx:prod' AUTOCOMPLETE_KEY = 'ac:prods&cats' SAMPLE_DATA = [{ 'SKU' : '43214563' , 'categories' : 'electronics,headphones' , 'long_description' : 'Monocle ipsum dolor sit amet k-pop smart bespoke, alluring wardrobe espresso Zürich charming Nordic ANA destination elegant bureaux handsome Melbourne. ' , 'name' : 'Craniumcandy - Wireless Over-the-Ear Headphones - Crazy Tropical' , 'price' : 100 , 'rating' : 1 , 'short_description' : 'Toto, K-pop sharp the highest quality sleepy boutique joy.' }, { 'SKU' : '431553432' , 'name' : 'Doodle - Sprite Buds True Wireless In-Ear Headphones - Night Black' , 'short_description' : 'Beams the highest quality remarkable Swiss concierge. Cosy signature the best extraordinary.' , 'long_description' : 'Discerning airport first-class, elegant conversation artisanal Beams flat white ryokan Helsinki Boeing 787 K-pop concierge soft power iconic. Toto Melbourne pintxos, joy destination global craftsmanship St Moritz smart premium boutique. Boeing 787 premium first-class extraordinary the best Zürich discerning elegant. Charming impeccable emerging sophisticated international Airbus A380 efficient Beams cosy Marylebone Muji Asia-Pacific. Charming uniforms Beams airport, essential Zürich global Nordic extraordinary Boeing 787 iconic vibrant.' , 'price' : 180 , 'rating' : 5 , 'categories' : 'electronics,headphones' }, { 'SKU' : '8743153432' , 'name' : 'Doodle - Sprite 6 Expert' , 'short_description' : 'Beams the highest quality remarkable Swiss concierge. Cosy signature the best extraordinary.' , 'long_description' : 'Discerning airport first-class, elegant conversation artisanal Beams flat white ryokan Helsinki Boeing 787 K-pop concierge soft power iconic. Toto Melbourne pintxos, joy destination global craftsmanship St Moritz smart premium boutique. Boeing 787 premium first-class extraordinary the best Zürich discerning elegant. Charming impeccable emerging sophisticated international Airbus A380 efficient Beams cosy Marylebone Muji Asia-Pacific. Charming uniforms Beams airport, essential Zürich global Nordic extraordinary Boeing 787 iconic vibrant.' , 'price' : 899 , 'rating' : 5 , 'categories' : 'cell phone,electronics' }, { 'SKU' : '4316647899' , 'name' : 'Blues Banjo Songs for Noobs - Gal Nimoy' , 'short_description' : 'The best Boeing 787 Lufthansa Toto. Destination Singapore efficient Nordic craftsmanship.' , 'long_description' : 'Wardrobe Fast Lane exclusive perfect delightful extraordinary Melbourne K-pop classic Airbus A380 elegant the highest quality. Emerging boutique concierge quality of life finest, punctual elegant delightful pintxos airport tote bag Muji flat white Swiss.' , 'price' : 23 , 'rating' : 3 , 'categories' : 'books,music' }, { 'SKU' : '84836424542' , 'name' : 'Be Here Now - Richard Alpert' , 'short_description' : 'The best Boeing 787 Lufthansa Toto. Destination Singapore efficient Nordic craftsmanship.' , 'long_description' : 'Wardrobe Fast Lane exclusive perfect delightful extraordinary Melbourne K-pop classic Airbus A380 elegant the highest quality. Emerging boutique concierge quality of life finest, punctual elegant delightful pintxos airport tote bag Muji flat white Swiss.' , 'price' : 42 , 'rating' : 3 , 'categories' : 'books' }] def get_suggestions(stem): ''' Get a list of auto complete suggestions from a given stem ''' ac = AutoCompleter(AUTOCOMPLETE_KEY, conn = R) return [ str (sugg) for sugg in ac.get_suggestions(stem)] def search_products(name = None , categories = None , price = None , rating = None , fields = None , paging = None , sort_by = 'name' , ascending = True , * * kwargs): ''' Search the product catalog name - name of the product categories - comma delimited category list (category1,category2) price - price range, hyphen delimited (price_low-price_high) rating - rating range, hyphen delmited (rating_low-rating_high) fields - object fields to return in response paging - comma delimited, show item range in this page (paging_start,paging_end) sort_by - field to sort by ascending - ascending or descending ''' ## for non-numeric search terms, we'll build the term query search_terms = [] if name: search_terms.append(f '@name:{name}' ) if categories: _categories = categories.split( ',' ) search_terms.append(f '@categories:{{{"|".join(_categories)}}}' ) ## tag search uses {} vs () for compounds if search_terms: ## join the non-numeric terms together to create the query object terms_query = ' ' .join(search_terms) else : ## no non-numeric ones were set, wildcard terms_query = '*' ## create and configure query object query = Query(terms_query) query.sort_by(sort_by, asc = ascending) if paging is not None : query.paging( * paging.split( ',' )) if fields is not None : query.return_fields( * fields.split( ',' )) ## numeric terms and other query parameters if price: price_low, price_high = price.split( '-' ) query.add_filter(NumericFilter( 'price' , price_low, price_high)) if rating: rating_low, rating_high = rating.split( '-' ) query.add_filter(NumericFilter( 'rating' , rating_low, rating_high)) ## execute search result = product_index().search(query) return [loads(doc.json) for doc in] # in order to get these all into one json obj, we'll need to transerialze them def product_index(): ''' Get or Create the product search index ''' ## check to see if the client exists, otherwise create it client = SearchClient(PRODUCTS_INDEX_KEY, conn = R) try : return client except ResponseError: print ( "index doesn't exist, creating" ) ## Index Defn Base definition = IndexDefinition(prefix = [PRODUCTS_KEY. format ('')], index_type = IndexType.JSON) ## Categories implemented as Tags - allows for more complex searching ctg_field = TagField( '$.categories' , as_name = 'categories' ) ctg_field_params = list (ctg_field.args) ctg_field.args = tuple (ctg_field_params) ## actually create the index client.create_index(( TagField( "$.SKU" , as_name = 'SKU' ), TextField( "$.name" , as_name = 'name' ), TextField( "$.short_description" , as_name = 'short_description' ), TextField( "$.long_description" , as_name = 'long_description' ), NumericField( "$.price" , sortable = True , as_name = 'price' ), NumericField( "$.rating" , sortable = True , as_name = 'rating' ), ctg_field), definition = definition) return client def add_products(): ''' Ingests the sample data into the DB ''' with R.pipeline(transaction = False ) as pipeline: for product in SAMPLE_DATA: key = PRODUCTS_KEY. format (product[ 'SKU' ]) pipeline.jsonset(key, Path.rootPath(), product) ac = AutoCompleter(AUTOCOMPLETE_KEY, conn = pipeline) categories = product[ 'categories' ].split( ',' ) suggestions = [Suggestion(product[ 'name' ])] suggestions.extend([Suggestion(category) for category in categories]) ac.add_suggestions( * suggestions) pipeline.execute() if __name__ = = '__main__' : product_index() add_products() = True ) |