Redis lists

Introduction to Redis lists

Redis lists are linked lists of string values. Redis lists are frequently used to:

  • Implement stacks and queues.
  • Build queue management for background worker systems.

Basic commands

  • LPUSH adds a new element to the head of a list; RPUSH adds to the tail.
  • LPOP removes and returns an element from the head of a list; RPOP does the same but from the tails of a list.
  • LLEN returns the length of a list.
  • LMOVE atomically moves elements from one list to another.
  • LRANGE extracts a range of elements from a list.
  • LTRIM reduces a list to the specified range of elements.

Blocking commands

Lists support several blocking commands. For example:

  • BLPOP removes and returns an element from the head of a list. If the list is empty, the command blocks until an element becomes available or until the specified timeout is reached.
  • BLMOVE atomically moves elements from a source list to a target list. If the source list is empty, the command will block until a new element becomes available.

See the complete series of list commands.


  • Treat a list like a queue (first in, first out):

  • Treat a list like a stack (first in, last out):

  • Check the length of a list:

  • Atomically pop an element from one list and push to another: