JSON support for Redis

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The JSON capability of Redis Stack provides JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) support for Redis. It lets you store, update, and retrieve JSON values in a Redis database, similar to any other Redis data type. Redis JSON also works seamlessly with the Redis Query Engine to let you index and query JSON documents.

Primary features

  • Full support for the JSON standard
  • A JSONPath syntax for selecting/updating elements inside documents (see JSONPath syntax)
  • Documents stored as binary data in a tree structure, allowing fast access to sub-elements
  • Typed atomic operations for all JSON value types

Use Redis with JSON

The first JSON command to try is JSON.SET, which sets a Redis key with a JSON value. JSON.SET accepts all JSON value types. This example creates a JSON string:

Note how the commands include the dollar sign character $. This is the path to the value in the JSON document (in this case it just means the root).

Here are a few more string operations. JSON.STRLEN tells you the length of the string, and you can append another string to it with JSON.STRAPPEND.

Numbers can be incremented and multiplied: