redis-di delete

Deletes RDI database permanently


Usage: redis-di delete [OPTIONS]


  • log_level:

    • Type: Choice(['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'])
    • Default: info
    • Usage: --log-level -l
  • cluster_host (REQUIRED):

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --cluster-host

    Host/IP of Redis Enterprise Cluster (service name in case of k8s)

  • cluster_api_port (REQUIRED):

    • Type: <IntRange 1<=x<=65535>
    • Default: 9443
    • Usage: --cluster-api-port

    API Port of Redis Enterprise Cluster

  • cluster_user (REQUIRED):

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --cluster-user

    Redis Enterprise Cluster username with either DB Member, Cluster Member or Cluster Admin roles

  • cluster_password:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --cluster-password

    Redis Enterprise Cluster Password

  • rdi_host (REQUIRED):

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --rdi-host

    Host/IP of RDI Database

  • rdi_port (REQUIRED):

    • Type: <IntRange 1<=x<=65535>
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --rdi-port

    Port of RDI Database

  • rdi_user:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --rdi-user

    RDI Database Username

  • rdi_password:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --rdi-password

    RDI Database Password

  • rdi_key:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --rdi-key

    Private key file to authenticate with

  • rdi_cert:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --rdi-cert

    Client certificate file to authenticate with

  • rdi_cacert:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --rdi-cacert

    CA certificate file to verify with

  • rdi_key_password:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --rdi-key-password

    Password for unlocking an encrypted private key

  • force:

    • Type: BOOL
    • Default: false
    • Usage: --force -f

    Force operation. skips verification prompts

  • help:

    • Type: BOOL
    • Default: false
    • Usage: --help

    Show this message and exit.

CLI help

Usage: redis-di delete [OPTIONS]

  Deletes RDI database permanently

                                  [default: INFO]
  --cluster-host TEXT             Host/IP of Redis Enterprise Cluster (service
                                  name in case of k8s)  [required]
  --cluster-api-port INTEGER RANGE
                                  API Port of Redis Enterprise Cluster
                                  [default: 9443; 1<=x<=65535; required]
  --cluster-user TEXT             Redis Enterprise Cluster username with
                                  either DB Member, Cluster Member or Cluster
                                  Admin roles  [required]
  --cluster-password TEXT         Redis Enterprise Cluster Password
  --rdi-host TEXT                 Host/IP of RDI Database  [required]
  --rdi-port INTEGER RANGE        Port of RDI Database  [1<=x<=65535;
  --rdi-user TEXT                 RDI Database Username
  --rdi-password TEXT             RDI Database Password
  --rdi-key TEXT                  Private key file to authenticate with
  --rdi-cert TEXT                 Client certificate file to authenticate with
  --rdi-cacert TEXT               CA certificate file to verify with
  --rdi-key-password TEXT         Password for unlocking an encrypted private
  -f, --force                     Force operation. skips verification prompts
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
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