Create IAM resources using CloudFormation

The following link uses AWS CloudFormation to create a stack using the AWS console:

Launch RedisCloud template

You can then use the Outputs tab to find the data needed to complete the creation of a Cloud Account. For the accessSecretKey (i.e. user's access key) and consolePassword (user's console password) you'll have to follow the links to the AWS Secrets Manager service, and use that to find the secret values. These values, being secrets, aren't displayed directly by CloudFormation.

You can use the AWS command-line interface (CLI) if you prefer:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name RedisCloud --template-url \ \

Update the values of AWS_PROFILE with your profile credentials.

Additional options are described in the AWS CLI docs.

You can track the status of the cloud formation with the following command:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name RedisCloud

The data needed to complete the creation of a Cloud Account is shown as Output Key and Output Value pairs.

For the two secrets (accessSecretKey and consolePassword) you'll need to use the AWS secretmanager CLI - the value you'll need has a key of SecretString:

aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id=/redislabsuser/secret_access_key

We recommend using yaml output for the consolePassword, as it makes decoding the required value easier.

aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id=/redislabsuser/password --output yaml

The consolePassword is a JSON object containing a single member whose key is password and whose value is the password. This can be a bit complex to parse out. Here's an example output:

user@example-computer ~ % aws secretsmanager get-secret-value 
                              --output yaml
ARN: arn:aws:secretsmanager:middle-earth-1:913769183952㊙️/redislabsuser/password-qaEMYs
CreatedDate: '2021-06-16T06:27:53.402000-06:00'
Name: /redislabsuser/password
SecretString: '{"password":"S3cr3tP@$$w0rd"}'
VersionId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

The JSON object is the value (less the single quotes) of the SecretString key. i.e. it is {"password":"S3cr3tP@$$w0rd"}.

The password is the value associated with that key (less the double quotes): S3cr3tP@$$w0rd.

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