
Manage Redis Enterprise clusters and databases.

Redis Enterprise Software

rladmin is a command-line utility that lets you perform administrative tasks such as failover, migration, and endpoint binding on a Redis Enterprise Software cluster. You can also use rladmin to edit cluster and database configurations.

Although you can use the Cluster Manager UI for some of these tasks, others are unique to the rladmin command-line tool.

rladmin commands

Command Description
bind Manages the proxy policy for a specified database endpoint.
cluster Manage cluster.
failover Fail over primary shards of a database to their replicas.
help Shows available commands or specific command usage.
info Shows the current configuration of a cluster, database, node, or proxy.
migrate Moves Redis Enterprise Software shards or endpoints to a new node in the same cluster.
node Manage nodes.
placement Configures the shard placement policy for a database.
recover Recovers databases in recovery mode.
restart Restarts Redis Enterprise Software processes for a specific database.
status Displays the current cluster status and topology information.
suffix Manages the DNS suffixes in the cluster.
tune Configures parameters for databases, proxies, nodes, and clusters.
upgrade Upgrades the version of a module or Redis Enterprise Software for a database.
verify Prints verification reports for the cluster.

Use the rladmin shell

To open the rladmin shell:

  1. Sign in to a Redis Enterprise Software node with an account that is a member of the redislabs group.

    The rladmin binary is located in /opt/redislabs/bin. If you don't have this directory in your PATH, you may want to add it. Otherwise, you can use bash -l <username> to sign in as a user with permissions for that directory.

  2. Run: rladmin

    If the CLI does not recognize the rladmin command, run this command to load the necessary configuration first: bash -l

In the rladmin shell, you can:

  • Run any rladmin command without prefacing it with rladmin.
  • Enter ? to view the full list of available commands.
  • Enter help followed by the name of a command for a detailed explanation of the command and its usage.
  • Press the Tab key for command completion.
  • Enter exit or press Control+D to exit the rladmin shell and return to the terminal prompt.
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