Auto Tiering quick start

Get started with Auto Tiering quickly, creating a cluster and database using flash storage.

This page guides you through a quick setup of Auto Tiering with a single node for testing and demo purposes.

For production environments, you can find more detailed installation instructions in the install and setup section.

The steps to set up a Redis Enterprise Software cluster using Auto Tiering with a single node are:

  1. Install Redis Enterprise Software or run it in a Docker container.
  2. Set up a Redis Enterprise Software cluster with Auto Tiering.
  3. Create a new database with Auto Tiering enabled.
  4. Connect to your new database.

Install Redis Enterprise Software

Bare metal, VM, Cloud instance

To install on bare metal, a virtual machine, or an instance:

  1. Download the binaries from the Redis Enterprise download center.

  2. Upload the binaries to a Linux-based operating system.

  3. Extract the image:

    tar -vxf <downloaded tar file name>
  4. After the tar command completes, you can find a new script in the current directory:

    sudo ./ -y

Docker-based installation

For testing purposes, you can run a Redis Enterprise Software Docker container on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

docker run -d --cap-add sys_resource --name rp -p 8443:8443 -p 12000:12000 redislabs/redis:latest

Prepare and format flash memory

After you install Redis Enterprise Software, use the prepare_flash script to prepare and format flash memory:

sudo /opt/redislabs/sbin/

This script finds unformatted disks and mounts them as RAID partitions in /var/opt/redislabs/flash.

To verify the disk configuration, run:

sudo lsblk

Set up a cluster and enable Auto Tiering

  1. Direct your browser to https://localhost:8443 on the host machine to see the Redis Enterprise Software Cluster Manager UI.

    Depending on your browser, you may see a certificate error. Choose "continue to the website" to go to the setup screen.
  2. Select Create new cluster.

  3. Set up account credentials for a cluster administrator, then select Next to proceed to cluster setup.

  4. Enter your cluster license key if you have one. Otherwise, the cluster uses the trial version.

  5. Provide a cluster FQDN such as mycluster.local, then select Next.

  6. In the Storage configuration section, turn on the Enable flash storage toggle.

  7. Select Create cluster.

  8. Select OK to confirm that you are aware of the replacement of the HTTPS TLS certificate on the node, and proceed through the browser warning.

Create a database

On the Databases screen:

  1. Select Quick database.

  2. Verify Flash is selected for Runs on.

    Create a quick database with Runs on Flash selected.
  3. Enter 12000 for the endpoint Port number.

  4. (Optional) Select Full options to see available alerts.

  5. Select Create.

You now have a database with Auto Tiering enabled!

Connect to your database

You are ready to connect to your database to store data. See the test connectivity page to learn how to connect to your database.

Next steps

If you want to generate load against the database or add a bunch of data for cluster testing, see the memtier_benchmark quick start for help.

To see the true performance and scale of Auto Tiering, you must tune your I/O path and set the flash path to the mounted path of SSD or NVMe flash memory as that is what it is designed to run on. For more information, see Auto Tiering.

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