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April 6, 2022

Redis Enterprise’s Fully Managed Service in Google Cloud Platform Now Available in Delhi

We are very excited to share that our fully managed Redis Enterprise service in the Google Cloud Platform is now available in the Delhi region (Asia-South2) in addition...


April 5, 2022
Dorothy Li, Chief Technology Officer, Convoy

The Data Economy: Driving Efficiencies and Sustainability Through Machine Learning

The Data Economy is a video podcast series about leaders who use data to make positive impacts on their business, customers, and the world. To see all current...


April 4, 2022
Join Redis at 2022 AWS Summits | Paris, San Francisco, India, New York City

AWS Summits 2022 with Redis: Top 5 Reasons to Attend

Redis will be at AWS Summits 2022 and we are excited to have one-on-one interactions again with developers, architects, DevOps, and IT teams. This year you can find...


March 30, 2022
Redis RedisDays New York 2022

Register for RedisDays New York 2022

RedisDays 2022’s three-stop virtual tour comes to a close in New York on Thursday, March 31st, after stops in London and San Francisco. Where London’s RedisDays sessions zeroed...


March 30, 2022

Count-Min Sketch: The Art and Science of Estimating Stuff

This post is about what are, in my opinion, two of the most exciting things in the world: probabilistic data structures and Redis modules. If you’ve heard about...


March 29, 2022
Dynomite DB Redis

Why Migrate a Dynomite Database to a Redis Enterprise Active-Active Database?

Since its creation in 2009, Redis OSS has had a very vibrant open source community. Many tools and utilities have been developed around it and Dynomite, a peer-to-peer...


March 29, 2022
Ron Guerrier, Chief Information Officer, HP

The Data Economy: Data Diversity and Pioneering Real-Time Experiences

The Data Economy is a video podcast series about leaders who use data to make positive impacts on their business, customers, and the world. To see all current...


March 29, 2022
Redis Launchpad RedisBank

How to Create a Real-time Mobile Banking Application With Redis

Fast, accurate, and up to date, RedisBank provides you with instant access to your finances with just a few swipes on your smartphone. Since mobile banking has propelled...


March 28, 2022
Redis RedisDays 2022 | London Recap

RedisDays London 2022 Overview

RedisDays, our three-part worldwide virtual event kicked off with a stop in London this year, where our Redis experts and esteemed guests dug deep into the power of...


March 23, 2022

Refreshing and Extending

Today we’re pleased to announce the relaunch of has always been the home of Redis and the entry point for new Redis users. With this launch,...


March 23, 2022
Redis Stack

Hello, Redis Stack

We're thrilled to announce Redis Stack. Redis Stack consolidates the capabilities of the leading Redis modules into a single product, making it easy for developers to build modern,...


March 22, 2022

The Data Economy: Modernizing Apps for Real-time Analytics, Streaming, IoT, and AI

The Data Economyis a video podcast series about leaders who use data to make positive impacts on their business, customers, and the world. To see all current episodes,...


March 21, 2022
Redis Launchpad ABettaMe

How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle App Using Spring Boot and Redis

It’s not easy training your body out of bad habits. Whether that’s having a poor diet or slacking off at the gym, or ignoring it altogether, much of...


March 21, 2022

Can Redis Enterprise Save You Money? 

Redis is an in-memory database, and Redis Enterprise adds a whole layer of management, automation, resiliency, and security capabilities on top of it, making it enterprise-ready.  To many,...


March 19, 2022
Windows 10

Running Redis on Windows 10

In this guide, we will cover several topics that will help you install Redis on Windows 10. We also address if this is indeed the best setup. Ready...


March 17, 2022

Diving into Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs)

Active-Active Geo-Distribution allows you to place your Redis database cluster instances and data centers close to your users, no matter where they are. Placing read replicas closer to your...


March 15, 2022
Eric Haller, EVP & GM Fraud, Identity, and DataLabs

The Data Economy: Real-Time Fraud Detection and Exabyte Analytics

The Data Economy is a video podcast series about leaders who use data to make positive impacts on their business, customers, and the world. To see all current...


March 15, 2022
Redis Launchpad

How to Build a Music Sharing App using NodeJS and Redis

Music is magic. It has the power to create new memories, friends, and unforgettable sensations.  All of us love music but for some, it’s a passion. Listening and...


March 11, 2022
Redis RedisDays San Francisco 2022

Register for RedisDays San Francisco 2022

RedisDays, the three-part virtual roadshow that spotlights the latest real-time data innovations at Redis, makes its first stateside stop in San Francisco, CA on Wednesday, March 23rd.  Our...


March 10, 2022
Redis and Tecton

Delivering Fast Machine Learning with Tecton and Redis Enterprise Cloud

Real-time machine learning (ML) applications are everywhere — from approving credit card transactions as they happen, to immediately generating personalized recommendations for your favorite streaming service. These applications can’t...


March 10, 2022

Creating Instant Customer Experiences in Financial Services with a Real-Time Database

Accelerate Data Innovation with Real-Time Financial Services, an essential white paper companion highlighting the challenges of legacy infrastructures and opportunities made available by real-time data, is now available....