Client-side caching compatibility with Redis Software and Redis Cloud

Redis Software and Redis Cloud compatibility with client-side caching.

Redis Enterprise Software

Redis Software and Redis Cloud support client-side caching for databases with Redis versions 7.4 or later.

Required database versions

Client-side caching in Redis Software and Redis Cloud requires Redis database versions 7.4 or later.

The following table shows the differences in client-side caching support by product:

Redis product Client-side caching support
Redis Community Edition Redis v6.0 and later
Redis Cloud Redis database v7.4 and later
Redis Software Redis database v7.4 and later

Supported RESP versions

Client-side caching in Redis Software and Redis Cloud requires RESP3.

The following table shows the differences in client-side caching support for RESP by product:

Redis product with client-side caching RESP2 RESP3
Redis Community Edition
Redis Cloud
Redis Software

Two connections mode with REDIRECT not supported

Unlike Redis Community Edition, Redis Software and Redis Cloud do not support two connections mode or the REDIRECT option for CLIENT TRACKING.

Change tracking_table_max_keys for a database

When client-side caching is enabled, Redis uses an invalidation table to track which keys are cached by each connected client.

The configuration setting tracking-table-max-keys determines the maximum number of keys stored in the invalidation table and is set to 1000000 keys by default. Redis Software does not support using CONFIG SET to change this value, but you can use the REST API or rladmin instead.

To change tracking_table_max_keys for a database in a Redis Software cluster:

  • rladmin tune db:

    rladmin tune db db:<ID> tracking_table_max_keys 2000000

    You can use the database name in place of db:<ID> in the preceding command.

  • Update database configuration REST API request:

    PUT /v1/bdbs/<uid> 
    { "tracking_table_max_keys": 2000000 }

Change default tracking_table_max_keys

The cluster-wide option default_tracking_table_max_keys_policy determines the default value of tracking_table_max_keys for new databases in a Redis Software cluster. default_tracking_table_max_keys_policy is set to 1000000 keys by default.

To change default_tracking_table_max_keys_policy, use one of the following methods:

  • rladmin tune cluster

    rladmin tune cluster default_tracking_table_max_keys_policy 2000000
  • Update cluster policy REST API request:

    PUT /v1/cluster/policy 
    { "default_tracking_table_max_keys_policy": 2000000 }
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