Compatibility with Redis Community Edition configuration settings
Redis Community Edition configuration settings supported by Redis Enterprise.
Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud only support a subset of Redis Community Edition configuration settings. Using CONFIG GET
with unsupported configuration settings returns an error.
Setting | Redis Enterprise |
Redis Cloud |
Notes |
activerehashing | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
busy-reply-threshold | ✅ Standard |
❌ Standard |
Value must be between 0 and 60000 milliseconds. |
hash-max-listpack-entries | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
hash-max-listpack-value | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
hash-max-ziplist-entries | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
hash-max-ziplist-value | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
hll-sparse-max-bytes | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
list-compress-depth | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
list-max-listpack-size | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
list-max-ziplist-size | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
lua-time-limit | ✅ Standard |
❌ Standard |
Value must be between 0 and 60000 milliseconds. |
notify-keyspace-events | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
set-max-intset-entries | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
slowlog-log-slower-than | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Value must be larger than 1000 microseconds. |
slowlog-max-len | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Value must be between 128 and 1024. |
stream-node-max-bytes | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
stream-node-max-entries | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
zset-max-listpack-entries | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
zset-max-listpack-value | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
zset-max-ziplist-entries | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
zset-max-ziplist-value | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |