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April 9, 2020

7 RedisConf 2020 Speakers You Won’t Want to Miss

Every year we’re proud to bring together an A-list group of Redis Geeks, experts, and contributors to speak at RedisConf, the largest gathering of the Redis community. This...


April 7, 2020

RedisGraph 2.0 Boosts Performance Up to 6x

The newly announced RedisGraph 2.0 module brings a number of improvements, including increased Cypher support, full-text search, and it enables graph visualization. Just as important, however, the latest...


April 7, 2020

Introducing RedisGraph 2.0

Redis is a noSQL database that enables users to store a variety of data in a variety of data structures. We saw a need for our customers to...


April 3, 2020
Redis University

Redis University Announces Self-Paced On-Demand Courses

Redis University is pleased to announce the immediate availability of free, self-paced, on-demand online courses. A lot has changed in recent weeks, and many of us are now...


April 2, 2020

The Number of Unsecured Redis Servers Keeps Declining

A new Trend Micro blog post found thousands of unsecure Redis servers in the cloud—here’s why that number demonstrates an overall decline in exposed servers.


April 1, 2020
Redis Game Mechanics

Redis Game Mechanics: Scoring

First, let me warn you that I am not a game developer. So this post, which has been rattling around in my head for a number of years...


March 31, 2020

RedisGraph and Redis: What, Why, and How

Like many software engineers, I enjoy a good game of Dungeons & Dragons. I love powering up my character and facing increasingly more powerful foes. Doing this right...


March 27, 2020
Google Cloud

Digging into Redis Enterprise on Google Cloud

It used to be that Redis Enterprise was just one of many offerings in the Google Cloud Marketplace, but now thanks to the partnership between Redis and Google,...


March 26, 2020

Probably and No: Redis, Probabilistic, and Bloom Filters

I’ve got a problem. I have tens of millions of players in my online game World of EverCraft (Not a real game. But if it was, it would...


March 24, 2020
Enter the Rediscover Redis Competition!

Enter the Rediscover Redis Competition!

As we draw ever closer to RedisConf 2020 Takeaway starting May 12, we want to hear from you about the cool things you use Redis for. The Redis...


March 23, 2020
Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jungle

7 Redis Worst Practices

Click here to get started with Redis Enterprise. Redis Enterprise lets you work with any real-time data at any scale, anywhere. Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or...


March 13, 2020
Redis Cube

Redis Labs Business Continuity During COVID-19

During these uncertain times, we are taking all necessary steps to ensure reliable service and support to our customers and partners.


March 12, 2020

RedisTimeSeries Version 1.2 Benchmarks

To benchmark the performance of our newly released RedisTimeSeries 1.2 module, we used the Time Series Benchmark Suite (TSBS). A collection of Go programs based on the work...


March 12, 2020

RedisTimeSeries Version 1.2 Is Here!

When you think about it, “life is a time series.”  So maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that even though the RedisTimeSeries module—which simplifies the use of Redis for...


March 12, 2020

RediSearch 1.6 Boosts Performance Up to 64%

The newly introduced RediSearch 1.6 adds some important new functionality, including aliasing, a low-level API, and improved query validation, as well as making Fork garbage collection the module’s...


March 12, 2020

RediSearch Version 1.6 Adds Features, Improves Performance

The popular RediSearch module was designed to extend Redis’s capabilities by adding a secondary index with super-fast full-text search capabilities. RediSearch has been extremely well received, collecting more...


March 10, 2020

The Case for Ephemeral Search

Let’s say you’re working on an e-commerce website for home improvement products, like nails, screws, wood, tile, putty knives… that kind of thing. These types of stores (brick-and-mortar...


March 10, 2020

Redis-Powered Microservices Architecture Proves Its Worth for Z3 Works

(As organizations look to modernize their applications, many are turning to a microservices architecture to deconstruct their legacy apps into collections of loosely coupled services. This profound change...


March 6, 2020

Important Announcement: RedisConf 2020 is Now a Virtual Event

Note: Originally published on February 21, 2020, this blog post previously held information about RedisConf 2020, planned for May 12–14 in San Francisco. Due to an abundance of...


March 5, 2020

The Many Flavors of Multi-Cloud

As Amazon, Microsoft, and Google fight it out in an epic struggle to dominate the cloud, a lot of companies and analysts are tossing around the term “multi-cloud.”...


February 19, 2020

Bullet-Proofing Lua Scripts in RedisPy

Lua scripting is a hugely powerful feature of Redis. At the same time, though, Lua scripting can be tricky to “get right.”  There are many ways to run...