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Which Redis is right for you?

Redis Community Edition Hero Illustration Desktop

Redis is famous for caching, but it’s so much more. When you need real-time speed or the power to handle millions of operations per second, here’s how to pick the Redis version that fits your needs.

Redis Community Edition is fast and free, while Redis Software adds enterprise-grade support that ensures high availability, stronger security, and seamless scaling for massive workloads.

Redis versions side-by-side

Redis logo
Redis Community Edition
(Redis 8)
Open source Redis forks*
Boost app performance as a cache
Full persistence and durability
Advanced session management with hash field expiration (HFE)
Automatic ingestion and change data capture (CDC) of source databases (including Oracle, postgres, MySQL, etc.)
Build real-time apps with scalable advanced query and search operations
Built-in JSON support without serialization or external processing needed
Built-in time series support for efficiently storing and querying time-stamped data
Probabilistic data structures (Bloom, top-k, t-digest, etc.) for memory-efficient approximations
Rapid development with out-of-the-box object mapping libraries for Spring, ASP.NET Core, FastAPI, and Express
End-to-end client support with language specific Redis client libraries such as Jedis, Lettuce, redis-py, redisVL, NRedisStack, node-redis, and go-redis
Redis Insight user interface including tutorials, a co-pilot, and a query builder
Fully supported on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments
Automated deployment on any cloud or multi-cloud
Extend in-memory capacity using SSD storage through Redis Flex
Transform slow data into real-time data by ingesting data from external databases in real-time using Redis Data Integration
Deliver consistent, real-time customer experiences globally with geo-distributed datastores
Automated database and cluster management (scaling, re-sharding, rebalancing)
Built-in high availability and disaster recovery management
Enterprise-grade customer support from Redis experts
Access control lists (ACLs) and role based access control (RBAC) for data access
Role based access control (RBAC) for the control plane
Centrally managed RBAC
Connection and authentication auditing
LDAP integration for identity management and role assignment
HashiCorp Vault support

Ulta Beauty does more with Redis

“It really wasn’t cost effective to maintain Redis [Community Edition] internally; it was a lot better to get involved with others who were experts in the technology. Plus, as generally is the case, you get a better product up front that’s more reliable for a production application at scale.”

Omar Koncobo
IT Director, Ulta Beauty

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What is Redis Enterprise? plus-white minus-white

Redis Enterprise was the former name for the enterprise-grade version of Redis. It offers superior capabilities compared to Redis Community Edition, source available Redis, open source Redis, Redis OSS, Redis core, Redis forks, and Redis substitutes like KeyDB, Valkey, and Dragonfly DB making it the ideal choice for developers seeking advanced performance, security, and scalability. With automated operations, a built-in proxy, and robust query & search features, Redis Enterprise enables faster and more reliable apps. Optimize your data management with Redis Enterprise for enhanced efficiency and innovation. Explore the benefits of Redis Enterprise over source available and open source Redis.

What is Redis Community Edition? plus-white minus-white

Redis Community Edition is the next evolution of the open source Redis project. It is completely source available and will merge features and functionality from the Redis Stack project such as JSON, time series, probabilistic functions (i.e. Bloom, Cuckoo), query and search.

What is Redis Open Source? plus-white minus-white

Redis is no longer considered open source. Starting with Redis 7.4, Redis is licensed under the Redis Source Available License (RSALv2) and the Server Side Public License (SSPLv1). These licenses allow permissive use of the source code but include restrictions to protect Redis’ commercial interests, particularly against cloud providers offering Redis as a managed service without a commercial agreement.

Redis Community Edition remains freely available and continues to support a wide range of use cases and integrations.

For more details, you can read the full announcement.

What is Redis Software? plus-white minus-white

Redis Software is the formal name for the enterprise-grade version of Redis. It offers superior capabilities compared to Redis Community Edition, source available Redis, open source Redis, Redis OSS, Redis core, Redis forks, and Redis substitutes like KeyDB, Valkey, Redict, and Dragonfly DB making it the ideal choice for developers seeking advanced performance, security, and scalability. With automated operations, a built-in proxy, and robust query & search features, Redis Software enables faster and more reliable apps. Optimize your data management with Redis Software for enhanced efficiency and innovation. Explore the benefits of Redis Software over Redis Community Edition and open source Redis above.

When was Redis created? plus-white minus-white

Open source Redis was created by Salvatore Sanfilippo in 2009 to provide a fast, in-memory data structure store for real-time applications. We took over its development and commercial aspects in 2015, allowing for more structured support and the development of Redis Stack and Redis Enterprise, enhancing Redis’s capabilities and commercial reach.