
Discover the main components of RDI


RDI implements a change data capture (CDC) pattern that tracks changes to the data in a non-Redis source database and makes corresponding changes to a Redis target database. You can use the target as a cache to improve performance because it will typically handle read queries much faster than the source.

To use RDI, you define a dataset that specifies which data items you want to capture from the source and how you want to represent them in the target. For example, if the source is a relational database then you specify which table columns you want to capture but you don't need to store them in an equivalent table structure in the target. This means you can choose whatever target representation is most suitable for your app. To convert from the source to the target representation, RDI applies transformations to the data after capture.

RDI synchronizes the dataset between the source and target using a data pipeline that implements several processing steps in sequence:

  1. A CDC collector captures changes to the source database. RDI currently uses an open source collector called Debezium for this step.

  2. The collector records the captured changes using Redis streams in the RDI database.

  3. A stream processor reads data from the streams and applies any transformations that you have defined (if you don't need any custom transformations then it uses defaults). It then writes the data to the target database for your app to use.

Note that the RDI control processes run on dedicated virtual machines (VMs) outside the Redis Enterprise cluster where the target database is kept. However, RDI keeps its state and configuration data and also the change data streams in a Redis database on the same cluster as the target. The following diagram shows the pipeline steps and the path the data takes on its way from the source to the target:

When you first start RDI, the target database is empty and so all of the data in the source database is essentially "change" data. RDI collects this data in a phase called initial cache loading, which can take minutes or hours to finish, depending on the size of the source data. Once the initial cache loading is complete, there is a snapshot dataset in the target that will gradually change when new data gets captured from the source. At this point, RDI automatically enters a second phase called change streaming, where changes in the data are captured as they happen. Changes are usually added to the target within a few seconds after capture.

Backpressure mechanism

Sometimes, data records can get added to the streams faster than RDI can process them. This can happen if the target is slowed or disconnected or simply if the source quickly generates a lot of change data. If this continues, then the streams will eventually occupy all the available memory. When RDI detects this situation, it applies a backpressure mechanism to slow or stop the flow of incoming data. Change data is held at the source until RDI clears the backlog and has enough free memory to resume streaming.

The Debezium log sometimes reports that RDI has run out of memory (usually while creating the initial snapshot). This is not an error, just an informative message to note that RDI has applied the backpressure mechanism.

Supported sources

RDI supports the following database sources using Debezium Server connectors:

Database Versions
Oracle 12c, 19c, 21c
MariaDB >= 10.5
MySQL 5.7, 8.0.x
Postgres 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
SQL Server 2017, 2019
Google Cloud SQL MySQL 8.0
Google Cloud SQL Postgres 15
Google Cloud SQL SQL Server 2019
Google Cloud AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

How RDI is deployed

RDI is designed with two planes that provide its services. The control plane contains the processes that keep RDI active. It includes:

  • An operator process that schedules the CDC collector and the stream processor to implement the two phases of the pipeline lifecycle (initial cache loading and change streaming)
  • A Prometheus endpoint to supply metrics about RDI
  • A REST API to control the VM.

The management plane provides tools that let you interact with the control plane. Use the CLI tool to install and administer RDI and to deploy and manage a pipeline. Use the pipeline editor (included in Redis Insight) to design or edit a pipeline. The diagram below shows the components of the control and management planes and the connections between them:

The following sections describe the VM configurations you can use to deploy RDI.

RDI on your own VMs

For this deployment, you must provide two VMs. The collector and stream processor are active on one VM while the other is a standby to provide high availability. The operators run on both VMs and use an algorithm to decide which is the active one (the "leader"). Both the active VM and the standby need access to the authentication secrets that RDI uses to encrypt network traffic. The diagram below shows this configuration:

RDI on Kubernetes

You can run RDI in a namespace on your own Kubernetes cluster with a separate deployment for each of the control plane components (REST API, operator, and metrics exporter). The operator creates and configures deployments for the collector and stream processor when you start a pipeline from the CLI tool. This means that you must provide the operator with a service account that has permissions to create and manipulate pods in the namespace.

Secrets and security considerations

RDI encrypts all network connections with TLS or mTLS. The credentials for the connections are saved as secrets and you can choose how to provide these secrets to RDI. Note that RDI stores all state and configuration data inside the Redis Enterprise cluster and does not store any other data on your RDI VMs or anywhere else outside the cluster.

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