Redis Enterprise and Redis Stack feature compatibility

Describes the Redis Enterprise features supported by each Redis Stack feature.

Redis Stack

This article describes compatibility between Redis Enterprise features and Redis Stack features. Version numbers indicate the minimum module version required for feature support.

Supported Redis Stack features

The following table shows which Redis Stack features are supported by Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud.

Feature Redis Enterprise
Redis Enterprise
Search and query ✅ Supported ✅ Supported
JSON ✅ Supported ✅ Supported
Time series ✅ Supported ✅ Supported
Probabilistic ✅ Supported ✅ Supported
Gears ✅ Supported ❌ Not supported
Triggers and functions ⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️ Deprecated
Graph ⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️ Deprecated

Feature compatibility

The following tables show Redis Enterprise feature support for each non-deprecated Redis Stack feature.

Version numbers indicate when the feature was first supported. If you're using an earlier version than what's shown in the table, the feature is not supported.

For details about individual features, see the corresponding documentation.

Feature name/capability Search and query JSON
Active-Active (CRDB)1 Yes (v2.0) Yes (v2.2)
Backup/Restore Yes (v1.4) Yes (v1.0)
Clustering Yes (v1.6)2 Yes (v1.0)
Custom hashing policy Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Eviction expiration Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Failover/migration Yes (v1.4) Yes (v1.0)
Internode encryption Yes (v2.0.11) Yes (v1.0.8)
Module data types Yes Yes
Persistence (AOF) Yes (v1.4) Yes (v1.0)
Persistence (snapshot) Yes (v1.6) Yes (v1.0)
Auto Tiering 3 Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Replica Of Yes (v1.6)4 Yes (v1.0)
Reshard/rebalance Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Feature name/capability Time series Probabilistic Gears
Active-Active (CRDB)1 No No Yes (v1.0)
Backup/Restore Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Clustering Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Custom hashing policy Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Eviction expiration Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Failover/migration Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Internode encryption Yes (v1.4.9) Yes (v2.2.6) Yes (v1.2)
Module data types Yes Yes Yes
Persistence (AOF) Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Persistence (snapshot) Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)
Auto Tiering 3 Yes (v1.6)5 Yes (vTBD) Yes (vTBD)
Replica Of Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) No
Reshard/rebalance Yes (v1.2) Yes (v2.0) Yes (v1.0)

Feature descriptions

The following table briefly describes each feature shown in the earlier tables.

Feature name/capability Description
Active-Active (CRDB) Compatible with Active-Active (CRDB) databases
Backup/Restore Supports import and export features
Clustering Compatible with sharded databases and shard migration
Custom hashing policy Compatible with databases using custom hashing policies
Eviction expiration Allows data to be evicted when the database reaches memory limits
Failover/migration Compatible with primary/replica failover and the migration of shards between nodes within the cluster
Internode encryption Compatible with encryption on the data plane
Persistence (AOF) Compatible with databases using AoF persistence
Persistence (snapshot) Compatible with databases using snapshot persistence
Auto Tiering Compatible with Auto Tiering
Replica Of Compatible with Active-Passive replication
Reshard/rebalance Compatible with database scaling for clustered databases, which redistributes data between the new shards.


  1. With the exception of JSON, you currently cannot combine Active-Active with Redis Stack features in Redis Cloud. ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. You cannot use search and query with the OSS Cluster API↩︎

  3. You currently cannot combine Auto Tiering with Redis Stack features in Redis Cloud. ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. RediSearch version 1.6 supported Replica Of only between databases with the same number of shards. This limitation was fixed in v2.0. ↩︎

  5. Although time series are compatible with Auto Tiering, the entire series either lives in RAM or on flash. ↩︎

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