Example - Index and query JSON documents

Learn how to use the Redis query engine with JSON

This example shows how to index and query Redis JSON data using predis.

Make sure that you have Redis Stack and predis installed, as described in the Install section above.

Start by importing dependencies:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Predis\Client as PredisClient;

use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\AggregateArguments;
use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\CreateArguments;
use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SearchArguments;
use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SchemaFields\NumericField;
use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SchemaFields\TextField;
use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SchemaFields\TagField;
use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SchemaFields\VectorField;

Connect to the Redis server:

$r = new PredisClient([
                'scheme'   => 'tcp',
                'host'     => '',
                'port'     => 6379,
                'password' => '',
                'database' => 0,

Create some test data to add to the database:

$user1 = json_encode([
    'name' => 'Paul John',
    'email' => 'paul.john@example.com',
    'age' => 42,
    'city' => 'London',

$user2 = json_encode([
    'name' => 'Eden Zamir',
    'email' => 'eden.zamir@example.com',
    'age' => 29,
    'city' => 'Tel Aviv',

$user3 = json_encode([
    'name' => 'Paul Zamir',
    'email' => 'paul.zamir@example.com',
    'age' => 35,
    'city' => 'Tel Aviv',

Create an index. In this example, only JSON documents with the key prefix user: are indexed. For more information, see Query syntax.

$schema = [
    new TextField('$.name', 'name'),
    new TagField('$.city', 'city'),
    new NumericField('$.age', "age"),

try {
$r->ftCreate("idx:users", $schema,
    (new CreateArguments())
catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Add the three sets of user data to the database as JSON objects. If you use keys with the user: prefix then Redis will index the objects automatically as you add them:

$r->jsonset('user:1', '$', $user1);
$r->jsonset('user:2', '$', $user2);
$r->jsonset('user:3', '$', $user3);

You can now use the index to search the JSON objects. The query below searches for objects that have the text "Paul" in any field and have an age value in the range 30 to 40:

$res = $r->ftSearch("idx:users", "Paul @age:[30 40]");
echo json_encode($res), PHP_EOL;
// >>> [1,"user:3",["$","{\"name\":\"Paul Zamir\",\"email\":\"paul.zamir@example.com\",\"age\":35,\"city\":\"London\"}"]]

Specify query options to return only the city field:

$arguments = new SearchArguments();
$arguments->addReturn(3, '$.city', true, 'thecity');
$arguments->limit(0, 5);

$res = $r->ftSearch("idx:users", "Paul", $arguments);

echo json_encode($res), PHP_EOL;
// >>> [2,"user:1",["thecity","London"],"user:3",["thecity","Tel Aviv"]]

Use an aggregation query to count all users in each city.

$ftAggregateArguments = (new AggregateArguments())
->reduce('COUNT', true, 'count');

$res = $r->ftAggregate('idx:users', '*', $ftAggregateArguments);
echo json_encode($res), PHP_EOL;
// >>> [2,["city","London","count","1"],["city","Tel Aviv","count","2"]]

See the Redis query engine docs for a full description of all query features with examples.

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