Collect logs

Run the log collector script to package relevant logs into a tar.gz file to send to Redis Support for help troubleshooting your Kubernetes environment.

Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes

The Redis Enterprise cluster (REC) log collector script ( creates and fills a directory with the relevant logs for your environment. These logs will help the support team with troubleshooting.

As of version 6.2.18-3, the log collector tool has two modes:

  • restricted collects only resources and logs created by the operator and Redis Enterprise deployments
    • This is the default for versions 6.2.18-3 and later
  • all collects everything from your environment
    • This is the default mode for versions 6.2.12-1 and earlier
This script requires Python 3.6 or later.
  1. Download the latest file.

  2. Have a K8s administrator run the script on the system that runs your kubectl or oc commands.

    • Pass -n parameter to run on a different namespace than the one you are currently on
    • Pass -m parameter to change the log collector mode (all or restricted)
    • Run with -h to see more options
    If you get an error because the yaml module is not found, install the pyYAML module with pip install pyyaml.
  3. Upload the resulting tar.gz file containing all the logs to Redis Support.

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