
Gets keys and their values from a database.

Creates records from the keys and values stored in a Redis database.

Currently only supports string and hash data types. For other data types, it will only extract the key name.


You can use one of these constructors to create a new KeysReader object:

public KeysReader()

public KeysReader(String pattern)

public KeysReader(String prefix, boolean readValues)

public KeysReader(String pattern, boolean noScan, boolean readValues)

public KeysReader(String prefix, 
                  boolean readValues, 
                  String[] eventTypes, 
                  String[] keyTypes)

public KeysReader(String pattern, 
                  boolean noScan, 
                  boolean readValues, 
                  String[] eventTypes, 
                  String[] keyTypes)


Name Type Default value Description
commands array of strings null The commands that this reader is registered on
eventTypes array of strings null The event types to register on (usually the command name)
keyTypes array of strings null The key types to register on
noScan boolean false Whether or not to scan the key space or just read the pattern as is
pattern/prefix string "*" (match all keys) The reader will get all keys that match this pattern
readValues boolean true Whether or not to read the keys' values

Output records

Creates a KeysReaderRecord for each matching key in the database.

Name Type Description
key string The name of the key
type long The core Redis type: 'string', 'hash', 'list', 'set', 'zset', or 'stream'
event string The event that triggered the execution (null if using the run function)
stringVal string The key's value for string data types
hashVal Map<String,String> The key's value for hash data types
listVal List The key's value for list data types
setVal Set The key's value for set data types


Here's a basic example of a KeysReader that creates records for all keys in the database:

KeysReader reader = new KeysReader();

In the following example, the KeysReader creates records for all keys in the database that start with "person:". When registered, it only runs for hashes after HSET and DEL events occur.

String[] eventTypes = {"HSET", "DEL"};
String[] keyTypes = {"HASH"};
KeysReader reader = new KeysReader("person:*", false, true, eventTypes, keyTypes);
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