Flush database data

To delete the data in a database without deleting the database, you can use Redis CLI to flush it from the database. You can also use Redis CLI, the admin console, and the Redis Software REST API to flush data from Active-Active databases.

To delete the data in a database without deleting the database configuration, you can flush the data from the database.

You can use the Cluster Manager UI to flush data from Active-Active databases.

The flush command deletes ALL in-memory and persistence data in the database. We recommend that you back up your database before you flush the data.

Flush data from a database

From the command line, you can flush a database with the redis-cli command or with your favorite Redis client.

To flush data from a database with the redis-cli, run:

redis-cli -h <hostname> -p <portnumber> -a <password> flushall


redis-cli -h redis-12345.cluster.local -p 9443 -a xyz flushall
Port 9443 is the default port configuration.

Flush data from an Active-Active database

When you flush an Active-Active database (formerly known as CRDB), all of the replicas flush their data at the same time.

To flush data from an Active-Active database, use one of the following methods:

  • Cluster Manager UI

    1. On the Databases screen, select the database from the list, then click Configuration.

    2. Click Toggle actions button to open a list of additional actions.

    3. Select Flush database.

    4. Enter the name of the Active-Active database to confirm that you want to flush the data.

    5. Click Flush.

  • Command line

    1. To find the ID of the Active-Active database, run:

      crdb-cli crdb list

      For example:

      $ crdb-cli crdb list
      CRDB-GUID                                NAME                 REPL-ID CLUSTER-FQDN
      a16fe643-4a7b-4380-a5b2-96109d2e8bca     crdb1                1       cluster1.local
      a16fe643-4a7b-4380-a5b2-96109d2e8bca     crdb1                2       cluster2.local
      a16fe643-4a7b-4380-a5b2-96109d2e8bca     crdb1                3       cluster3.local
    2. To flush the Active-Active database, run:

      crdb-cli crdb flush --crdb-guid <CRDB-GUID>

      The command output contains the task ID of the flush task, for example:

      $ crdb-cli crdb flush --crdb-guid a16fe643-4a7b-4380-a5b2-96109d2e8bca
      Task 63239280-d060-4639-9bba-fc6a242c19fc created
      ---> Status changed: queued -> started
    3. To check the status of the flush task, run:

      crdb-cli task status --task-id <Task-ID>

      For example:

      $ crdb-cli task status --task-id 63239280-d060-4639-9bba-fc6a242c19fc
      Task-ID: 63239280-d060-4639-9bba-fc6a242c19fc
      CRDB-GUID: -
      Status: finished

    1. To find the ID of the Active-Active database, use GET /v1/crdbs:

      GET https://[host][:port]/v1/crdbs
    2. To flush the Active-Active database, use PUT /v1/crdbs/{guid}/flush:

      PUT https://[host][:port]/v1/crdbs/<guid>/flush

      The command output contains the task ID of the flush task.

    3. To check the status of the flush task, use GET /v1/crdb_tasks:

      GET https://[host][:port]/v1/crdb_tasks/<task-id>
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