CRDBs requests

Active-Active database requests

Redis Enterprise Software
Method Path Description
GET /v1/crdbs Get all Active-Active databases
GET /v1/crdbs/{crdb_guid} Get a specific Active-Active database
PATCH /v1/crdbs/{crdb_guid} Update an Active-Active database
POST /v1/crdbs Create a new Active-Active database
DELETE /v1/crdbs/{crdb_guid} Delete an Active-Active database

Get all Active-Active databases

GET /v1/crdbs

Get a list of all Active-Active databases on the cluster.


Example HTTP request

GET /crdbs


Key Value Description
X-Task-ID string Specified task ID
X-Result-TTL integer Time (in seconds) to keep task result


Returns a JSON array of CRDB objects.

Status codes
Code Description
200 OK A list of Active-Active database.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized request. Invalid credentials

Get an Active-Active database

GET /v1/crdbs/{crdb_guid}

Get a specific Active-Active database.


Example HTTP request

 GET /crdbs/552bbccb-99f3-4142-bd17-93d245f0bc79


Key Value Description
X-Task-ID string Specified task ID
X-Result-TTL integer Time (in seconds) to keep task result

URL parameters

Field Type Description
crdb_guid string Globally unique Active-Active database ID (GUID)

Query parameters

Field Type Description
instance_id integer Instance from which to get the Active-Active database information


Returns a CRDB object.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK Active-Active database information is returned.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized request. Invalid credentials
404 Not Found Database or configuration does not exist.

Update an Active-Active database

PATCH /v1/crdbs/{crdb_guid}

Update an Active-Active database's configuration.

In order to add or remove instances, use POST crdbs/{crdb_guid}/updates instead.


Example HTTP request

 PATCH /crdbs/552bbccb-99f3-4142-bd17-93d245f0bc79


Key Value Description
X-Task-ID string Specified task ID
X-Result-TTL integer Time (in seconds) to keep task result

URL parameters

Field Type Description
crdb_guid string Globally unique Active-Active database ID (GUID)

Request body

Include a CRDB object with updated fields in the request body.


Returns a CRDB task object.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK The request has been accepted.
400 Bad Request The posted Active-Active database contains invalid parameters.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized request. Invalid credentials
404 Not Found Configuration or Active-Active database not found.
406 Not Acceptable The posted Active-Active database cannot be accepted.

Create an Active-Active database

POST /v1/crdbs

Create a new Active-Active database.


Example HTTP request

 POST /crdbs


Key Value Description
X-Task-ID string Specified task ID
X-Result-TTL integer Time (in seconds) to keep task result

Request body

Include a CRDB object, which defines the Active-Active database, in the request body.

Example body
        "name": "sample-crdb",
        "memory_size": 214748365
                "url": "http://<cluster1_FQDN>:9443",
                    "username": "<username>",
                    "password": "<password>"
                "name": "cluster-1"
            "compression": 6
                "url": "http://<cluster2_FQDN>:9443",
                    "username": "<username>",
                    "password": "<password>"
                "name": "cluster-2"
            "compression": 6
    "name": "sample-crdb"

This JSON body creates an Active-Active database without TLS and with two participating clusters.


Returns a CRDB task object.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK The request has been accepted.
400 Bad Request The request is invalid or malformed.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized request. Invalid credentials
406 Not Acceptable The posted Active-Active database cannot be accepted.

Delete an Active-Active database

DELETE /v1/crdbs/{crdb_guid}

Delete an Active-Active database.


Example HTTP request

 DELETE /crdbs/552bbccb-99f3-4142-bd17-93d245f0bc79


Key Value Description
X-Task-ID string Specified task ID
X-Result-TTL integer Time (in seconds) to keep task result

URL parameters

Field Type Description
crdb_guid string Globally unique Active-Active database ID (GUID)


Returns a CRDB task object.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK Action was successful.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized request. Invalid credentials
404 Not Found Configuration or Active-Active database not found.
406 Not Acceptable The Active-Active GUID is invalid or the Active-Active database was already deleted.
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