Change socket file locations

Change socket file locations.

Redis Enterprise Software

Default socket file locations

There are two default locations for the socket files in Redis Enterprise Software:

  • /tmp - In clean installations of Redis Enterprise Software version earlier than 5.2.2

  • /var/opt/redislabs/run - In clean installations of Redis Enterprise Software version 5.2.2 and later

    The default location was changed in case you run any maintenance procedures that delete the /tmp directory.

When you upgrade Redis Enterprise Software from an earlier version to 5.2.2 or later, the socket files are not moved to the new location by default. You need to specify the socket file location during installation.

Specify socket file location during install

To specify the socket file location during a new installation, follow the Install Redis Enterprise Software on Linux instructions, but use the -s installation script option:

sudo ./ -s </path/to/socket/files>

Change socket file location for an existing cluster

Directly changing the socket file location directly is not supported for bootstrapped nodes. If you need to change the socket file location for an existing cluster, use one of the following methods instead:

Replace nodes

To change the socket file location for all nodes in a cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Install Redis Enterprise Software on a new node with the new socket file location. Follow the Install Redis Enterprise Software on Linux instructions, but use the -s installation script option:

    sudo ./ -s </path/to/socket/files>
  2. Add the new node to the existing cluster.

  3. Remove a node with the old socket file location.

  4. Repeat the previous steps until all nodes with the old socket file location have been replaced.

Migrate cluster using Replica Of

To migrate an existing cluster to a new cluster with a different socket file location:

  1. Create a new cluster with the new socket file location. To do so, follow the Install Redis Enterprise Software on Linux instructions, but use the -s installation script option:

    sudo ./ -s </path/to/socket/files>
  2. Use Replica Of to migrate your databases from the original cluster to the new cluster. For detailed steps, see the procedure to configure Replica Of with different Redis Enterprise clusters.

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