crdb-cli crdb create
Creates an Active-Active database.
Redis Enterprise Software |
Creates an Active-Active database.
crdb-cli crdb create --name <name>
--memory-size <maximum_memory>
--instance fqdn=<cluster_fqdn>,username=<username>,password=<password>[,url=<url>,replication_endpoint=<endpoint>]
--instance fqdn=<cluster_fqdn>,username=<username>,password=<password>[,url=<url>,replication_endpoint=<endpoint>]
[--port <port_number>]
[--default-db-config <configuration>]
[--default-db-config-file <filename>]
[--compression <0-6>]
[--causal-consistency { true | false } ]
[--password <password>]
[--replication { true | false } ]
[--encryption { true | false } ]
[--sharding { false | true } ]
[--shards-count <number_of_shards>]
[--shard-key-regex <regex_rule>]
[--oss-cluster { true | false } ]
[--bigstore { true | false }]
[--bigstore-ram-size <maximum_memory>]
[--with-module name=<module_name>,version=<module_version>,args=<module_args>]
Before you create an Active-Active database, you must have:
- At least two participating clusters
- Network connectivity between the participating clusters
Parameter & options(s) | Value | Description |
name <CRDB_name> | string | Name of the Active-Active database (required) |
memory-size <maximum_memory> | size in bytes, kilobytes (KB), or gigabytes (GB) | Maximum database memory (required) |
instance fqdn=<cluster_fqdn>, username=<username>, password=<password> |
strings | The connection information for the participating clusters (required for each participating cluster) |
port <port_number> | integer | TCP port for the Active-Active database on all participating clusters |
default-db-config <configuration> | string | Default database configuration options |
default-db-config-file <filename> | filepath | Default database configuration options from a file |
no-wait | Prevents crdb-cli from running another command before this command finishes |
compression | 0-6 | The level of data compression: 0 = No compression 6 = High compression and resource load (Default: 3) |
causal-consistency | true false (default) |
Causal consistency applies updates to all instances in the order they were received |
password <password> | string | Password for access to the database |
replication | true false (default) |
Activates or deactivates database replication where every master shard replicates to a replica shard |
encryption | true false (default) |
Activates or deactivates encryption |
sharding | true false (default) |
Activates or deactivates sharding (also known as database clustering). Cannot be updated after the database is created |
shards-count <number_of_shards> | integer | If sharding is enabled, this specifies the number of Redis shards for each database instance |
oss-cluster | true false (default) |
Activates OSS cluster API |
shard-key-regex <regex_rule> | string | If clustering is enabled, this defines a regex rule (also known as a hashing policy) that determines which keys are located in each shard (defaults to {u'regex': u'.*\\{(?<tag>.*)\\}.*'}, {u'regex': u'(?<tag>.*)'} ) |
bigstore | true false (default) |
If true, the database uses Auto Tiering to add flash memory to the database |
bigstore-ram-size <size> | size in bytes, kilobytes (KB), or gigabytes (GB) | Maximum RAM limit for databases with Auto Tiering enabled |
with-module name=<module_name>, version=<module_version>, args=<module_args> |
strings | Creates a database with a specific module |
eviction-policy | noeviction (default) allkeys-lru allkeys-lfu allkeys-random volatile-lru volatile-lfu volatile-random volatile-ttl |
Sets eviction policy |
proxy-policy | all-nodes all-master-shards single |
Sets proxy policy |
Returns the task ID of the task that is creating the database.
If --no-wait
is specified, the command exits. Otherwise, it will wait for the database to be created and then return the CRDB GUID.
$ crdb-cli crdb create --name database1 --memory-size 1GB --port 12000 \
--instance fqdn=cluster1.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin \
--instance fqdn=cluster2.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin
Task 633aaea3-97ee-4bcb-af39-a9cb25d7d4da created
---> Status changed: queued -> started
---> CRDB GUID Assigned: crdb:d84f6fe4-5bb7-49d2-a188-8900e09c6f66
---> Status changed: started -> finished
To create an Active-Active database with two shards in each instance and with encrypted traffic between the clusters:
crdb-cli crdb create --name mycrdb --memory-size 100mb --port 12000 --instance fqdn=cluster1.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin --instance fqdn=cluster2.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin --shards-count 2 --encryption true
To create an Active-Active database with two shards and with RediSearch 2.0.6 module:
crdb-cli crdb create --name mycrdb --memory-size 100mb --port 12000 --instance fqdn=cluster1.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin --instance fqdn=cluster2.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin --shards-count 2 --with-module name=search,version="2.0.6",args="PARTITIONS AUTO"
To create an Active-Active database with two shards and with encrypted traffic between the clusters:
crdb-cli crdb create --name mycrdb --memory-size 100mb --port 12000 --instance fqdn=cluster1.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin --instance fqdn=cluster2.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin --encryption true --shards-count 2
To create an Active-Active database with 1 shard in each instance and not wait for the response:
crdb-cli crdb create --name mycrdb --memory-size 100mb --port 12000 --instance fqdn=cluster1.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin --instance fqdn=cluster2.redis.local,username=[email protected],password=admin --no-wait