Supported Cloud providers and regions

Redis Cloud

Your choice of cloud provider and region may affect latency between your application and your database, and may affect what connectivity options are available for your database.

Redis Cloud supports databases on the following cloud providers:

Amazon Web Services

Redis Cloud supports databases in the following Amazon Web Services (AWS) regions.

Redis Cloud Pro databases on AWS support VPC Peering and Transit Gateway.


Region ID Location Redis Cloud Pro Redis Cloud Essentials
ca-central-1 Montreal, Canada
sa-east-1 Sao Paulo, Brazil
us-east-1 Northern Virginia, USA
us-east-2 Ohio, USA
us-west-1 Northern California, USA
us-west-2 Oregon, USA


Region ID Location Redis Cloud Pro Redis Cloud Essentials
eu-central-1 Frankfurt, Germany
eu-central-2 Zurich, Switzerland
eu-north-1 Stockholm, Sweden
eu-south-1 Milan, Italy
eu-south-2 Spain
eu-west-1 Ireland
eu-west-2 London, UK
eu-west-3 Paris, France

Asia Pacific

Region ID Location Redis Cloud Pro Redis Cloud Essentials
ap-east-1 Hong Kong, China
ap-northeast-1 Tokyo, Japan
ap-northeast-2 Seoul, South Korea
ap-south-1 Mumbai, India
ap-south-2 Hyderabad, India
ap-southeast-1 Singapore
ap-southeast-2 Sydney, Australia
ap-southeast-3 Jakarta, Indonesia
ap-southeast-4 Melbourne, Australia

Middle East and Africa

Region ID Location Redis Cloud Pro Redis Cloud Essentials
af-south-1 Cape Town, South Africa
il-central-1 Tel Aviv, Israel
me-central-1 UAE
me-south-1 Bahrain

Google Cloud

Redis Cloud supports databases in the following Google Cloud regions.

Redis Cloud Pro databases on Google Cloud support VPC Peering and Private Service Connect.


Region ID Location Redis Cloud Pro Redis Cloud Essentials
northamerica-northeast1 Montreal, Canada
northamerica-northeast2 Toronto, Canada
southamerica-east1 Sao Paulo, Brazil
southamerica-west1 Santiago, Chile
us-central1 Iowa, USA
us-east1 South Carolina, USA
us-east4 Virginia, USA
us-east5 Columbus, USA
us-south1 Dallas, USA
us-west1 Oregon, USA
us-west2 Los Angeles, USA
us-west3 Salt Lake City, USA
us-west4 Las Vegas, USA


Region ID Location Redis Cloud Pro Redis Cloud Essentials
europe-central2 Warsaw, Poland
europe-north1 Finland
europe-southwest1 Madrid, Spain
europe-west1 Belgium
europe-west2 London, UK
europe-west3 Frankfurt, Germany
europe-west4 Netherlands
europe-west6 Zurich, Switzerland
europe-west8 Milan, Italy
europe-west9 Paris, France
europe-west10 Berlin, Germany
europe-west12 Turin, Italy

Asia Pacific

Region ID Location Redis Cloud Pro Redis Cloud Essentials
asia-east1 Taiwan
asia-east2 Hong Kong, China
asia-northeast1 Tokyo, Japan
asia-northeast2 Osaka, Japan
asia-northeast3 Seoul, South Korea
asia-south1 Mumbai, India
asia-south2 Delhi, India
asia-southeast1 Singapore
asia-southeast2 Jakarta, Indonesia
australia-southeast1 Sydney, Australia
australia-southeast2 Melbourne, Australia

Middle East and Africa

Region ID Location Redis Cloud Pro Redis Cloud Essentials
africa-south1 Johannesburg, South Africa
me-central1 Doha, Qatar
me-central2 Dammam, Saudi Arabia
me-west1 Tel Aviv, Israel

Microsoft Azure

Redis Cloud Essentials is available on the following Microsoft Azure regions:

Region ID Location
east-us Virginia, USA
west-us California, USA
Redis Cloud Pro is available on Azure through Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise. See Azure Cache for Redis pricing to view the list of Azure regions that support Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise.
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