rladmin bind

Manages the proxy policy for a specified database endpoint.

Redis Enterprise Software

Manages the proxy policy for a specific database endpoint.

bind endpoint exclude

Defines a list of nodes to exclude from the proxy policy for a specific database endpoint. When you exclude a node, the endpoint cannot bind to the node's proxy.

Each time you run an exclude command, it overwrites the previous list of excluded nodes.

rladmin bind
        [ db { db:<id> | <name> } ]
        endpoint <id> exclude
        <proxy_id1 .. proxy_idN>


Parameter Type/Value Description
db db:<id>
Only allows endpoints for the specified database
endpoint endpoint ID Changes proxy settings for the specified endpoint
proxy list of proxy IDs Proxies to exclude


Returns Finished successfully if the list of excluded proxies was successfully changed. Otherwise, it returns an error.

Use rladmin status endpoints to verify that the policy changed.


$ rladmin status endpoints db db:6
DB:ID    NAME   ID                  NODE      ROLE                      SSL
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1        node:2    all-nodes                 No
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1        node:1    all-nodes                 No
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1        node:3    all-nodes                 No
$ rladmin bind endpoint 6:1 exclude 2
Executing bind endpoint: OOO.
Finished successfully
$ rladmin status endpoints db db:6
DB:ID    NAME   ID                 NODE      ROLE                       SSL
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1       node:1    all-nodes -2               No
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1       node:3    all-nodes -2               No

bind endpoint include

Defines a list of nodes to include in the proxy policy for the specific database endpoint.

Each time you run an include command, it overwrites the previous list of included nodes.

rladmin bind
        [ db { db:<id> | <name> } ]
        endpoint <id> include
        <proxy_id1 .. proxy_idN>


Parameter Type/Value Description
db db:<id>
Only allows endpoints for the specified database
endpoint endpoint ID Changes proxy settings for the specified endpoint
proxy list of proxy IDs Proxies to include


Returns Finished successfully if the list of included proxies was successfully changed. Otherwise, it returns an error.

Use rladmin status endpoints to verify that the policy changed.


$ rladmin status endpoints db db:6
DB:ID    NAME   ID                 NODE      ROLE                       SSL
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1       node:3    all-master-shards          No
$ rladmin bind endpoint 6:1 include 3
Executing bind endpoint: OOO.
Finished successfully
$ rladmin status endpoints db db:6
DB:ID   NAME   ID                NODE      ROLE                          SSL
db:6    tr02   endpoint:6:1      node:1    all-master-shards +3          No
db:6    tr02   endpoint:6:1      node:3    all-master-shards +3          No

bind endpoint policy

Changes the overall proxy policy for a specific database endpoint.

rladmin bind
        [ db { db:<id> | <name> } ]
        endpoint <id>
        policy { single | all-master-shards | all-nodes }


Parameter Type/Value Description
db db:<id>
Only allows endpoints for the specified database
endpoint endpoint ID Changes proxy settings for the specified endpoint
policy 'all-master-shards'
Changes the proxy policy to the specified policy
Proxy policy Description
all-master-shards Multiple proxies, one on each master node (best for high traffic and multiple master shards)
all-nodes Multiple proxies, one on each node of the cluster (increases traffic in the cluster, only used in special cases)
single All traffic flows through a single proxy bound to the database endpoint (preferable in most cases)


Returns Finished successfully if the proxy policy was successfully changed. Otherwise, it returns an error.

Use rladmin status endpoints to verify that the policy changed.


$ rladmin status endpoints db db:6
DB:ID    NAME   ID                 NODE      ROLE                       SSL
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1       node:1    all-nodes -2               No
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1       node:3    all-nodes -2               No
$ rladmin bind endpoint 6:1 policy all-master-shards
Executing bind endpoint: OOO.
Finished successfully
$ rladmin status endpoints db db:6
DB:ID    NAME   ID                 NODE      ROLE                       SSL
db:6     tr02   endpoint:6:1       node:3    all-master-shards          No
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