RedisGraph 1.2 release notes
Support multiple relationships of the same type R connecting two nodes. Lexer elides escape characters in string creation. Performance improvements.
RedisGraph v1.2.2 requires:
- Minimum Redis compatibility version (database): 4.0.0
- Minimum Redis Enterprise Software version (cluster): 5.0.0
v1.2.2 (May 2019)
Update urgency: Medium This is a maintenance release for version 1.2.
This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.
v1.2.0 (April 2019)
This is a major release for RedisGraph. Compared to previous release 1.0.15:
- Added functionality
- Performance improvements
- Minor Bugfixes:
Compared to 1.0:
- Added functionality
- #390 GraphBLAS 2.3.0 release notes
- #452 Support multiple relationships of the same type R connecting two nodes
- #392 Lexer elides escape characters in string creation: support for property values with ' or "
- Enhanced cypher
- Initial support for WITH clause: Allows query parts to be chained together, piping the results from one to be used as starting points or criteria of the next. ref p.78
- #247 Initial support for UNWIND
- #244 RETURN * (give me everything bro)
- #236 TYPE function (returns the type of a relationship)
- #288 Querying patterns where a relationship between two nodes can be of different types. ()-[:A|:B]->()
- #252 Multiple MATCH clauses
- #327 Multiple CREATE clauses
- #305 MERGE + SET
- #348 Smaller memory footprint - encode properties
- Faster and better bulk loading
- Performance improvements
- #442 Seek graph entity by id: MATCH (n) WHERE ID(n) = 5 RETURN n
- #422 MATCH (n) RETURN COUNT(n) is now O(1)
- #421 and #459 Lazy loading of matrices on subsequent writes of relationships and nodes
- #399 Single transpose of matrices
- #393 Discard distinct when performing aggregation
- #289 Index utilization when performing Cartesian product
- #308 Granular writer locking
- Most noticeable bugfixes
- #456 Memory leaks
- #439 When label doesn't exists, the node count should return 0
- #435 Referencing non existing properties
- #359 Adding ORDER BY changes the number of returned hits when used in combination with LIMIT
- #363 Remove graph entity property when it is set to null
- #386 Return updated values on queries that modify data
- #249 reset operation within execution plan should propagate upwards
- #259 Replace operations appropriately when rewriting execution plan
- #262 Entity returned from datablock should have its internals cleared
- #264 Loaded triemap strings are not guaranteed space for a null terminator