Time series commands

Lists time series commands and provides links to the command reference pages.

The following table lists time series commands. See the command links for more information about each command's syntax, arguments, and examples.

Command Redis
TS.ADD ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Appends a sample to a time series.
TS.ALTER ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Updates the retention, chunk size, duplicate policy, or labels for an existing time series.
TS.CREATE ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Creates a new time series.

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Creates a compaction rule for downsampling.
TS.DECRBY ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Decreases the value of the latest sample in a time series by the specified number. Either modifies the existing sample or adds the decreased value as a new sample, depending on the timestamp option.
TS.DEL ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Removes all samples between two timestamps for a given time series.

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Removes a compaction rule.
TS.GET ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Returns the last sample in a time series.
TS.INCRBY ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Increases the value of the latest sample in a time series by the specified number. Either modifies the existing sample or adds the increased value as a new sample, depending on the timestamp option.
TS.INFO ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Returns time series information and statistics.
TS.MADD ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Appends multiple samples to one or more time series.
TS.MGET ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Returns multiple samples with labels that match the filter.
TS.MRANGE ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
For multiple time series, runs a query against samples within a range of timestamps, from earliest to latest. Supports filtering and aggregation.
TS.MREVRANGE ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
For multiple time series, runs a query against samples within a range of timestamps in reverse order, from latest to earliest. Supports filtering and aggregation.

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
Returns the keys of all time series with labels that match the given filters.
TS.RANGE ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
From the start of a single time series, runs a query against samples within a range of timestamps. Supports filtering and aggregation.
TS.REVRANGE ✅ Supported

✅ Flexible & Annual
✅ Free & Fixed
From the end of a single time series, runs a query against samples within a range of timestamps in reverse order. Supports filtering and aggregation.
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