Database backup and import

When you create or update a database, you can specify the backup path. The import API operation lets you import data from various source types and specified locations.

Back up a database

When you create or update a database, you can specify the (optional) periodicBackupPath parameter with a backup path. This parameter enables periodic and on-demand backup operations for the specified database.

The number of database backups that can run simultaneously on a cluster is limited to 4 by default.

The API operation for on-demand backups is POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/databases/{databaseId}/backup. On-demand database backup is an asynchronous operation.

POST "https://[host]/v1/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/databases/<databaseId>/backup"    

The backup database API does not require a body. Instead, the periodicBackupPath must be set to a valid path with available storage capacity to store the backup files for the specific database.

Import a database

You can import data into an existing database from multiple storage sources, including AWS S3, Redis, and FTP. Database import is an asynchronous operation.

The API operation for performing on-demand backup is POST /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/databases/{databaseId}/import.

The requirements for data import are:

  • The URI of the data
    • The source URI must be accessible to the importing database
    • The data format must be a Redis backup file or a Redis database
  • The subscription ID and database ID of the destination database

The duration of the import process depends on the amount of data imported and the network bandwidth between the data source and the importing database.

Data imported into an existing database overwrites any existing data.

To import the data, run:

POST "https://[host]/v1/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/databases/{databaseId}/import" \
  "sourceType": "aws-s3",
  "importFromUri": [

You can specify the backup location with the sourceType and importFromUri values for these sources:

Data location sourceType importFromUri
Amazon AWS S3 aws-s3 s3://bucketname/[path/]filename.rdb[.gz]
FTP ftp ftp://[username][:password]@[:port]/[path/]filename.rdb[.gz]
Google Blob Storage google-blob-storage gs://bucketname/[path/]filename.rdb[.gz]
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage azure-blob-storage abs://:storage_account_access_key@storage_account_name/[container/]filename.rdb[.gz]
Redis server redis redis://[db_password]@[host]:[port]
Web server HTTP HTTP://[username][:password]@[:port]/[path/]filename.rdb[.gz]
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