Manage Auto Tiering storage engine
Manage the storage engine used for your database with auto tiering enabled.
Redis Enterprise Software |
Manage the storage engine
Redis Enterprise Auto Tiering supports two storage engines:
Change the storage engine
- Change the cluster level configuration for default storage engine.
curl -k -u <username>:<password> -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"bigstore_driver":"speedb"}' https://localhost:9443/v1/cluster
rladmin cluster config bigstore_driver {speedb | rocksdb}
Restart the each database on the cluster one by one.
rladmin restart db { db:<id> | <name> }
Monitor the storage engine
To get the current cluster level default storage engine run:
Use the
rladmin info cluster
command look for ‘bigstore_driver’. -
Use the REST API:
curl -k -u <username>:<password> -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:9443/v1/cluster
Versions of Redis Enterprise 7.2 and later provide a metric called bdb_bigstore_shard_count
to help track the shard count per database, filtered by bdb_id
and by storage engine as shown below:
bdb_bigstore_shard_count{bdb="1",cluster="mycluster.local",driver="rocksdb"} 1.0
bdb_bigstore_shard_count{bdb="1",cluster="mycluster.local",driver="speedb"} 2.0
For more about metrics for Redis Enterprise’s integration with Prometheus, see Prometheus integration.