Module object
An object that represents a Redis module
Redis Enterprise Software |
Represents a Redis module.
Name | Type/Value | Description |
uid | string | Cluster unique ID of module |
architecture | string | Architecture used to compile the module |
author | string | Module creator |
capabilities | array of strings | List of capabilities supported by this module |
capability_name | string | Short description of module functionality |
command_line_args | string | Command line arguments passed to the module |
compatible_redis_version | string | Redis version required by this module |
config_command | string | Name of command to configure module arguments at runtime |
dependencies | object dependencies | Module dependencies |
description | string | Short description of the module |
display_name | string | Name of module for display purposes |
string | Author's email address | |
homepage | string | Module's homepage |
is_bundled | boolean | Whether module came bundled with a version of Redis Enterprise |
license | string | Module is distributed under this license |
min_redis_pack_version | string | Minimum Redis Enterprise Software cluster version required by this module |
min_redis_version | string | Minimum Redis database version required by this module. Only relevant for Redis databases earlier than v7.4. |
module_file | string | Module filename |
module_name | search ReJSON graph timeseries bf |
Module's name |
os | string | Operating system used to compile the module |
os_list | array of strings | List of supported operating systems |
semantic_version | string | Module's semantic version |
sha256 | string | SHA256 of module binary |
version | integer | Module's version |