BDB object

An object that represents a database

Redis Enterprise Software

An API object that represents a managed database in the cluster.

Name Type/Value & Description
uid integer; Cluster unique ID of database. Can be set during creation but cannot be updated.
account_id integer; SM account ID
action_uid string; Currently running action's UID (read-only)
aof_policy Policy for Append-Only File data persistence
authentication_admin_pass string; Password for administrative access to the BDB (used for SYNC from the BDB)
authentication_redis_pass string; Redis AUTH password authentication.
Use for Redis databases only. Ignored for memcached databases. (deprecated as of Redis Enterprise v7.2, replaced with multiple passwords feature in version 6.0.X)
authentication_sasl_pass string; Binary memcache SASL password
authentication_sasl_uname string; Binary memcache SASL username (pattern does not allow special characters &,<,>,")
"client_cert": string
}, ...]
List of authorized client certificates
client_cert: X.509 PEM (base64) encoded certificate
"client_cert": string
}, ...]
List of authorized CRDT certificates
client_cert: X.509 PEM (base64) encoded certificate
authorized_names array of strings; Additional certified names (deprecated as of Redis Enterprise v6.4.2; use authorized_subjects instead)
"CN": string,
"O": string,
"OU": [array of strings],
"L": string,
"ST": string,
"C": string
}, ...]
A list of valid subjects used for additional certificate validations during TLS client authentication. All subject attributes are case-sensitive.
Required subject fields:
"CN" for Common Name
Optional subject fields:
"O" for Organization
"OU" for Organizational Unit (array of strings)
"L" for Locality (city)
"ST" for State/Province
"C" for 2-letter country code
auto_upgrade boolean (default: false); Upgrade the database automatically after a cluster upgrade
avoid_nodes array of strings; Cluster node UIDs to avoid when placing the database's shards and binding its endpoints
background_op Deprecated as of Redis Enterprise Software v7.8.2. Use GET /v1/actions/bdb/<bdb_uid> instead.
"status": string,
"name": string,
"error": object,
"progress": number
}, ...]
(read-only); progress: Percent of completed steps in current operation
backup boolean (default: false); Policy for periodic database backup
backup_failure_reason Reason of last failed backup process (read-only)
backup_history integer (default: 0); Backup history retention policy (number of days, 0 is forever)
backup_interval integer; Interval in seconds in which automatic backup will be initiated
backup_interval_offset integer; Offset (in seconds) from round backup interval when automatic backup will be initiated (should be less than backup_interval)
backup_location complex object; Target for automatic database backups.
Call GET /jsonschema to retrieve the object's structure.
backup_progress number, (range: 0-100); Database scheduled periodic backup progress (percentage) (read-only)
backup_status Status of scheduled periodic backup process (read-only)
bigstore boolean (default: false); Database bigstore option
bigstore_ram_size integer (default: 0); Memory size of bigstore RAM part.
"shard_uid": integer,
"weight": number
}, ...]
List of shard UIDs and their bigstore RAM weights;
shard_uid: Shard UID;
weight: Relative weight of RAM distribution
client_cert_subject_validation_type Enables additional certificate validations that further limit connections to clients with valid certificates during TLS client authentication.
disabled: Authenticates clients with valid certificates. No additional validations are enforced.
san_cn: A client certificate is valid only if its Common Name (CN) matches an entry in the list of valid subjects. Ignores other Subject attributes.
full_subject: A client certificate is valid only if its Subject attributes match an entry in the list of valid subjects.
conns integer (default 5); Number of internal proxy connections
conns_type Connections limit type
crdt boolean (default: false); Use CRDT-based data types for multi-master replication
crdt_causal_consistency boolean (default: false); Causal consistent CRDB.
crdt_config_version integer; Replica-set configuration version, for internal use only.
crdt_featureset_version integer; CRDB active FeatureSet version
crdt_ghost_replica_ids string; Removed replicas IDs, for internal use only.
crdt_guid string; GUID of CRDB this database belongs to, for internal use only.
crdt_modules string; CRDB modules information. The string representation of a JSON list, containing hashmaps.
crdt_protocol_version integer; CRDB active Protocol version
crdt_repl_backlog_size string; Active-Active replication backlog size ('auto' or size in bytes)
crdt_replica_id integer; Local replica ID, for internal use only.
crdt_replicas string; Replica set configuration, for internal use only.
crdt_sources array of syncer_sources objects; Remote endpoints/peers of CRDB database to sync from. See the 'bdb -> replica_sources' section
crdt_sync Enable, disable, or pause syncing from specified crdt_sources. Applicable only for Active-Active databases. See replica_sync for more details.
crdt_sync_connection_alarm_timeout_seconds integer (default: 0); If the syncer takes longer than the specified number of seconds to connect to an Active-Active database, raise a connection alarm
crdt_sync_dist boolean; Enable/disable distributed syncer in master-master
crdt_syncer_auto_oom_unlatch boolean (default: true); Syncer automatically attempts to recover synchronisation from peers after this database throws an Out-Of-Memory error. Otherwise, the syncer exits
crdt_xadd_id_uniqueness_mode XADD strict ID uniqueness mode. CRDT only.
created_time string; The date and time the database was created (read-only)
data_internode_encryption boolean; Should the data plane internode communication for this database be encrypted
data_persistence Database on-disk persistence policy. For snapshot persistence, a snapshot_policy must be provided
dataset_import_sources complex object; Array of source file location description objects to import from when performing an import action. This is write-only and cannot be read after set.
Call GET /jsonschema to retrieve the object's structure.
db_conns_auditing boolean; Enables/deactivates database connection auditing
default_user boolean (default: true); Allow/disallow a default user to connect
disabled_commands string (default: ); Redis commands which are disabled in db
dns_address_master string; Database private address endpoint FQDN (read-only) (deprecated as of Redis Enterprise v4.3.3)
email_alerts boolean (default: false); Send email alerts for this DB
endpoint string; Latest bound endpoint. Used when reconfiguring an endpoint via update
endpoint_ip complex object; External IP addresses of node hosting the BDB's endpoint. GET /jsonschema to retrieve the object's structure. (read-only) (deprecated as of Redis Enterprise v4.3.3)
endpoint_node integer; Node UID hosting the BDB's endpoint (read-only) (deprecated as of Redis Enterprise v4.3.3)
endpoints array; List of database access endpoints (read-only)
uid: Unique identification of this source
dns_name: Endpoint’s DNS name
port: Endpoint’s TCP port number
addr: Endpoint’s accessible addresses
proxy_policy: The policy used for proxy binding to the endpoint
exclude_proxies: List of proxies to exclude
include_proxies: List of proxies to include
addr_type: Indicates if the endpoint is based on internal or external IPs
oss_cluster_api_preferred_ip_type: Indicates preferred IP type in the OSS cluster API: internal/external
oss_cluster_api_preferred_endpoint_type: Indicates preferred endpoint type in the OSS cluster API: ip/hostname
enforce_client_authentication Require authentication of client certificates for SSL connections to the database. If set to 'enabled', a certificate should be provided in either authentication_ssl_client_certs or authentication_ssl_crdt_certs
eviction_policy Database eviction policy (Redis style).
Redis DB default: 'volatile-lru'
memcached DB default: 'allkeys-lru'
export_failure_reason Reason of last failed export process (read-only)
export_progress number, (range: 0-100); Database manually triggered export progress (percentage) (read-only)
export_status Status of manually triggered export process (read-only)
generate_text_monitor boolean; Enable/disable generation of syncer monitoring information
gradual_src_max_sources integer (default: 1); Sync a maximum N sources in parallel (gradual_src_mode should be enabled for this to take effect)
gradual_src_mode Indicates if gradual sync (of sync sources) should be activated
gradual_sync_max_shards_per_source integer (default: 1); Sync a maximum of N shards per source in parallel (gradual_sync_mode should be enabled for this to take effect)
gradual_sync_mode Indicates if gradual sync (of source shards) should be activated ('auto' for automatic decision)
hash_slots_policy The policy used for hash slots handling
'legacy': slots range is '1-4096'
'16k': slots range is '0-16383'
implicit_shard_key boolean (default: false); Controls the behavior of what happens in case a key does not match any of the regex rules.
true: if a key does not match any of the rules, the entire key will be used for the hashing function
false: if a key does not match any of the rules, an error will be returned.
import_failure_reason Import failure reason (read-only)
'file-larger-than-mem-limit:<n bytes of expected dataset>:<n bytes configured bdb limit>'
import_progress number, (range: 0-100); Database import progress (percentage) (read-only)
import_status Database import process status (read-only)
internal boolean (default: false); Is this a database used by the cluster internally
last_backup_time string; Time of last successful backup (read-only)
last_changed_time string; Last administrative configuration change (read-only)
last_export_time string; Time of last successful export (read-only)
max_aof_file_size integer; Maximum size for shard's AOF file (bytes). Default 300GB, (on bigstore DB 150GB)
max_aof_load_time integer (default: 3600); Maximum time shard's AOF reload should take (seconds).
max_client_pipeline integer (default: 200); Maximum number of pipelined commands per connection. Maximum value is 2047.
max_connections integer (default: 0); Maximum number of client connections allowed (0 unlimited)
max_pipelined integer (default: 2000); Determines the maximum number of commands in the proxy’s pipeline per shard connection.
master_persistence boolean (default: false); If true, persists the primary shard in addition to replica shards in a replicated and persistent database.
memory_size integer (default: 0); Database memory limit (0 is unlimited), expressed in bytes.
metrics_export_all boolean; Enable/disable exposing all shard metrics through the metrics exporter
mkms boolean (default: true); Are MKMS (Multi Key Multi Slots) commands supported?
"module_id": string,
"module_args": [
"module_name": string,
"semantic_version": string
}, ...]
List of modules associated with the database

module_id: Module UID (deprecated; use module_name instead)
module_args: Module command-line arguments (pattern does not allow special characters &,<,>,")
module_name: Module's name
semantic_version: Module's semantic version (deprecated; use module_args instead)

module_id and semantic_version are optional as of Redis Enterprise Software v7.4.2 and deprecated as of v7.8.2.
mtls_allow_outdated_certs boolean; An optional mTLS relaxation flag for certs verification
mtls_allow_weak_hashing boolean; An optional mTLS relaxation flag for certs verification
name string; Database name. Only letters, numbers, or hyphens are valid characters. The name must start and end with a letter or number.
oss_cluster boolean (default: false); OSS Cluster mode option. Cannot be enabled with 'hash_slots_policy': 'legacy'
oss_cluster_api_preferred_endpoint_type Endpoint type in the OSS cluster API
oss_cluster_api_preferred_ip_type Internal/external IP type in OSS cluster API. Default value for new endpoints
oss_sharding boolean (default: false); An alternative to shard_key_regex for using the common case of the OSS shard hashing policy
port integer; TCP port on which the database is available. Generated automatically if omitted and returned as 0
proxy_policy The default policy used for proxy binding to endpoints
rack_aware boolean (default: false); Require the database to always replicate across multiple racks
recovery_wait_time integer (default: -1); Defines how many seconds to wait for the persistence file to become available during auto recovery. After the wait time expires, auto recovery completes with potential data loss. The default -1 means to wait forever.
redis_version string; Version of the redis-server processes: e.g. 6.0, 5.0-big
repl_backlog_size string; Redis replication backlog size ('auto' or size in bytes)
replica_sources array of syncer_sources objects; Remote endpoints of database to sync from. See the 'bdb -> replica_sources' section
replica_sync Enable, disable, or pause syncing from specified replica_sources
replica_sync_connection_alarm_timeout_seconds integer (default: 0); If the syncer takes longer than the specified number of seconds to connect to a replica, raise a connection alarm
replica_sync_dist boolean; Enable/disable distributed syncer in replica-of
replication boolean (default: false); In-memory database replication mode
resp3 boolean (default: true); Enables or deactivates RESP3 support
"role_uid": integer,
"redis_acl_uid": integer
}, ...]
sched_policy Controls how server-side connections are used when forwarding traffic to shards.
cmp: Closest to max_pipelined policy. Pick the connection with the most pipelined commands that has not reached the max_pipelined limit.
mru: Try to use most recently used connections.
spread: Try to use all connections.
mnp: Minimal pipeline policy. Pick the connection with the least pipelined commands.
shard_block_crossslot_keys boolean (default: false); In Lua scripts, prevent use of keys from different hash slots within the range owned by the current shard
shard_block_foreign_keys boolean (default: true); In Lua scripts, foreign_keys prevent use of keys which could reside in a different shard (foreign keys)
shard_key_regex Custom keyname-based sharding rules.
[{"regex": string}, ...]
To use the default rules you should set the value to:
[{"regex": ".*\\{(?<tag>.*)\\}.*"}, {"regex": "(?<tag>.*)"}]
shard_list array of integers; Cluster unique IDs of all database shards.
sharding boolean (default: false); Cluster mode (server-side sharding). When true, shard hashing rules must be provided by either oss_sharding or shard_key_regex
shards_count integer, (range: 1-512) (default: 1); Number of database server-side shards
shards_placement Control the density of shards
'dense': Shards reside on as few nodes as possible
'sparse': Shards reside on as many nodes as possible
skip_import_analyze Enable/disable skipping the analysis stage when importing an RDB file
slave_buffer Redis replica output buffer limits
value in MB
slave_ha boolean; Enable replica high availability mechanism for this database (default takes the cluster setting)
slave_ha_priority integer; Priority of the BDB in replica high availability mechanism
snapshot_policy array of snapshot_policy objects; Policy for snapshot-based data persistence. A dataset snapshot will be taken every N secs if there are at least M writes changes in the dataset
ssl boolean (default: false); Require SSL authenticated and encrypted connections to the database (deprecated as of Redis Enterprise v5.0.1)
status Database lifecycle status (read-only)
support_syncer_reconf boolean; Determines whether the syncer handles its own configuration changes. If false, the DMC restarts the syncer upon a configuration change.
sync (deprecated as of Redis Enterprise v5.0.1, use replica_sync or crdt_sync instead) Enable, disable, or pause syncing from specified sync_sources
sync_dedicated_threads integer (range: 0-10) (default: 5); Number of dedicated Replica Of threads
"uid": integer,
"uri": string,
"compression": integer,
"status": string,
"rdb_transferred": integer,
"rdb_size": integer,
"last_update": string,
"lag": integer,
"last_error": string
}, ...]
(deprecated as of Redis Enterprise v5.0.1, instead use replica_sources or crdt_sources) Remote endpoints of database to sync from. See the 'bdb -> replica_sources' section
uid: Numeric unique identification of this source
uri: Source Redis URI
compression: Compression level for the replication link
status: Sync status of this source
rdb_transferred: Number of bytes transferred from the source's RDB during the syncing phase
rdb_size: The source's RDB size to be transferred during the syncing phase
last_update: Time last update was received from the source
lag: Lag in millisec between source and destination (while synced)
last_error: Last error encountered when syncing from the source
syncer_log_level Minimum syncer log level to log. Only logs with this level or higher will be logged.
syncer_mode The syncer for replication between database instances is either on a single node (centralized) or on each node that has a proxy according to the proxy policy (distributed). (read-only)
"key": string,
"value": string
}, ...]
Optional list of tag objects attached to the database. Each tag requires a key-value pair.
key: Represents the tag's meaning and must be unique among tags (pattern does not allow special characters &,<,>,")
value: The tag's value.
tls_mode Require TLS-authenticated and encrypted connections to the database
tracking_table_max_keys integer; The client-side caching invalidation table size. 0 makes the cache unlimited.
type Type of database
use_nodes array of strings; Cluster node UIDs to use for database shards and bound endpoints
version string; Database compatibility version: full Redis/memcached version number, such as 6.0.6. This value can only change during database creation and database upgrades.
wait_command boolean (default: true); Supports Redis wait command (read-only)
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