RedisJSON 2.4 release notes

Low-level API changes in order to support the multi-value indexing and querying support that comes with RediSearch 2.6. RediSearch 2.6 comes with multi-value indexing and querying of attributes for any attribute type (Text, Tag, Numeric, Geo and Vector) defined by a JSONPath leading to an array or to multiple scalar values.

Redis Stack


RedisJSON v2.4.11 requires:

  • Minimum Redis compatibility version (database): 6.0.16
  • Minimum Redis Enterprise Software version (cluster): 6.2.18

v2.4.11 (January 2025)

This is a maintenance release for RedisJSON 2.4

Update urgency: LOW: No need to upgrade unless there are new features you want to use.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #1313 (Redis Enterprise A-A only) Potential crash on JSON.DEBUG MEMORY (MOD-8412)
  • Improvements:

    • #1310 Added support for Ubuntu 22 and macOS 13 and 14

v2.4.9 (April 2024)

This is a maintenance release for RedisJSON 2.4.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #1192 Crashes with numeric values greater than i64::MAX (MOD-6501, MOD-4551, MOD-4856, MOD-5714)
    • HDT#228 (Redis Enterprise A-A only) Incorrect error when processing escaped characters (MOD-6645)

v2.4.8 (January 2024)

This is a maintenance release for RedisJSON 2.4.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.

Ubuntu 16.04 and RHEL 7 are no longer supported as of v2.4.8.


  • Improvements:

    • #1149 Added support for CBL-Mariner 2
  • Bug fixes:

    • #1025 JSON.TOGGLE - missing keyspace notification

v2.4.7 (April 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RedisJSON 2.4.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #947 Crash when using array slice operator ([start:end:step]) with step 0

v2.4.6 (March 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RedisJSON 2.4.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #912 Fix actual memory usage calculation (MOD-4787)

v2.4.5 (February 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RedisJSON 2.4.

Update urgency: LOW: No need to upgrade unless there are new features you want to use.


  • Improvements:

    • Adds support to Redis Enterprise on Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

v2.4.4 (February 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RedisJSON 2.4.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #919 Possible failure loading RDB files (MOD-4822)
  • Improvements:

    • #725 Improve error messages
    • #918 Add IPv6 to the capabilities list

v2.4.3 (December 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RedisJSON 2.4.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #890 JSONPath ignores any filter condition beyond the second (MOD-4602)
  • Improvements:

    • #892 Allow JSON.ARRINDEX with nonscalar values

v2.4 GA (v2.4.2) (November 2022)

This is the General Availability release of RedisJSON 2.4.


RedisJSON 2.4 contains several low-level API changes in order to support the multi-value indexing and querying support that comes with RediSearch 2.6. RediSearch 2.6 comes with multi-value indexing and querying of attributes for any attribute type (Text, Tag, Numeric, Geo and Vector) defined by a JSONPath leading to an array or to multiple scalar values.

What's new in 2.4

  • Features:

    • #848 Add JSONPath filter the regexp match operator (MOD-4432)
    • #861 Support legacy JSONPath with the dollar sign $ (MOD-4436)
  • Performance enhancements:

    • #699 A new JSONPath library which enhances the performance of parsing any JSONPath expression in RedisJSON.
  • Changing behaviour:

    • #699 Floating point numbers which become round numbers due to some operation, such as JSON.NUMINCRBY, will now return as a floating point with a trailing .0, e.g., instead of just 42, now 42.0 will be returned.
  • Bugs fixes (since 2.4-RC1/ v2.4.0):

    • #850 Allow repetition of filter relation instead of optional (MOD-4431)
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