Data transformation

The key functionality that Write-behind performs is mapping the data coming from Debezium Server (representing a Source Database row data or row state change) into a Redis key with a value of Hash or JSON. There are two types of data transformations in Write-behind:

  1. By default, each source row is converted into one hash or one JSON key in Redis. This conversion uses the Debezium schema-based conversion. The incoming data includes the schema and Write-behind uses a set of handlers to automatically convert each source column to a Redis Hash field or JSON type based on the Debezium type in the schema. See data type conversion for a full reference on these conversions.

  2. If the user wants to add or modify this default mapping, Write-behind provides declarative data transformations. These transformations are represented in YAML files. Each file contains a job, which is a set of transformations per source table. See declarative transformations for more information.

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