RediSearch 2.2 release notes

Search and index JSON documents. Profiling queries. Field aliasing.


RediSearch v2.2.10 requires:

  • Minimum Redis compatibility version (database): 6.0.0
  • Minimum Redis Enterprise Software version (cluster): 6.0.0

v2.2.10 (March 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.2.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Improvements:

    • Mac M1 support
    • #2645 Ignore NULL values in JSON documents on indexing (prior behaviour would ignore the entire document)
    • #2623 Improved Multi Sortby error message for FT.SEARCH
  • Bug fixes:

    • #2641 Memory leak in Coordinator
    • #2651 Client freeze on docs expire during query
    • #2670 Memory leak in RediSearch found in Active-Active (MOD-2518)

v2.2.9 (March 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.2.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Improvements:

    • #2605 Added support for tls-key-file-pass capability (MOD-2086)
    • #2583 Release index-specific information off the main thread (performance enhancement)
  • Bug fixes:

    • #2436 When indexing JSON documents, filters cause no documents to be indexed (MOD-2214)
    • #2507 QUANTILE aggregation function outputting wrong values (MOD-2432)
    • #2521 contains() with an empty string argument leaves Redis hanging at CPU 100% indefinitely (MOD-2428)
    • #2560 Free prefix and cursor efficiently for cases with many indices (MOD-2080)
    • #2541 Numeric types for FT.INFO on coordinator
    • #2553 Fix union high iterator
    • #2404 Update coordination strategy of FlatSearchCommandHandler

v2.2.7 (February 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.2.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #2466 FT.PROFILE for FT.AGGREGATE on clustered databases
    • #2473 FT.PROFILE with no result processor present
    • #2490 Case sensitivity issue in searches of TAG field on JSON
  • Improvements:

    • #2469 Add API for TAG children query nodes

v2.2.6 (January 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RediSearch 2.2.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #2362 Crash on empty field name
    • #2407 Inconsistency with FT.CREATE and ON: return error for spec without fields parameters
    • #2392 Remove limit on Geo field precision
    • #2440 Fix in NOT(-) iterator
    • #2414 Prevent server freeze when FT.SEARCH timeout while sorting
    • #2386 Memory leak in numeric field index
  • Improvements:

    • #2424, #2425 Performance improvements for numeric indices
    • #2408 API: Added RediSearch_IndexInfo
    • #2448 API: Added setLang and setScore

v2.2.5 (November 2021)

This is the General Availability release of RediSearch 2.2.


Searching and indexing JSON documents

This release introduces the ability to index, query, and full-text search JSON documents using JSONPath queries.

On the schema creation FT.CREATE, it is now possible to map a JSONPath query with a field. When a JSON document is indexed, the value extracted by the JSONPath query is indexed in the given field.

This features require the module RedisJSON 2.0 to be installed.

Profiling queries

With the new FT.PROFILE command, it is now possible to profile in detail the execution time of several internal steps involved in the execution of FT.SEARCH and FT.AGGREGATE. That way, it is possible to understand which part of the query is taking most of the resources.

Field aliasing

With the support of JSON document indexing, it is now possible to map a JSONPath query to an alias. Therefore, it is possible to index the same value in different indexing attributes with different indexing strategies.

As of RediSearch v2.2, index fields are now known as attributes in order to avoid confusion with hash fields. This change impacts the FT.INFO command's response, which might break clients. It is advised to upgrade your application to the latest supported Redis clients prior to upgrading to RediSearch 2.2.


  • Enhancements:

    • #2337 Add support for Redis COPY command
    • #2243 Add LOAD * for FT.AGGREGATE
    • #2207 Add multi value recursive decent tag
    • #2188 Add UNF flag for SORTABLE fields
    • #2184 LLAPI getter functions for score, language, and stopwords list
    • #2133 JSON array can be stored in a TAG field
    • #2153 Improve FT.INFO complexity to O(1)
    • #2138 Add CASESENSITIVE to TAG fields
    • #2137 FT.INFO has identifier and attribute for fields
  • Bug fixes:

    • #2341 Fix score field for JSON
    • #2325 Fix escaping for tags
    • #2269 Remove empty tag values
    • #2223 Replace NULL with empty iterator for child of negative iterator
    • #2215 Update field limit on tags
    • #2143 Partial JSON documents are not indexed
    • #2109 Field loaded with 'AS' can't be used by functions

Notes: This is the first GA version of 2.2. The version inside Redis will be 2.2.5 in semantic versioning. Since the version of a module in Redis is numeric, we could not add a GA flag.

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