rladmin node snapshot

Manages snapshots of the configuration of a node's shards and endpoints.

Redis Enterprise Software

Manages snapshots of the configuration of a node's shards and endpoints.

You can create node snapshots and use them to restore the node's shards and endpoints to a configuration from a previous point in time. If you restore a node from a snapshot (for example, after an event such as failover or maintenance), the node's shards have the same placement and roles as when the snapshot was created.

node snapshot create

Creates a snapshot of a node's current configuration, including the placement of shards and endpoints on the node and the shards' roles.

rladmin node <ID> snapshot create <name>


Parameter Type/Value Description
node integer Creates a snapshot of the specified node
name string Name of the created snapshot


Returns Done if the snapshot was created successfully. Otherwise, returns an error.


$ rladmin node 1 snapshot create snap1
Creating node snapshot 'snap1' for node:1

node snapshot delete

Deletes an existing snapshot of a node.

rladmin node <ID> snapshot delete <name>
You cannot use this command to delete a snapshot created by maintenance mode. As of Redis Enterprise Software version 7.4.2, only the latest maintenance mode snapshot is kept.


Parameter Type/Value Description
node integer Deletes a snapshot of the specified node
name string Deletes the specified snapshot


Returns Done if the snapshot was deleted successfully. Otherwise, returns an error.


$ rladmin node 1 snapshot delete snap1
Deleting node snapshot 'snap1' for node:1

node snapshot list

Displays a list of created snapshots for the specified node.

rladmin node <ID> snapshot list


Parameter Type/Value Description
node integer Displays snapshots of the specified node


Returns a list of snapshots of the specified node.


$ rladmin node 2 snapshot list
Name                                               Node    Time
snap2                                              2       2022-05-12T19:27:51Z

node snapshot restore

Restores a node's shards and endpoints as close to the stored snapshot as possible.

rladmin node <ID> snapshot restore <name>


Parameter Type/Value Description
node integer Restore the specified node from a snapshot.
restore string Name of the snapshot used to restore the node.


Returns Snapshot restore completed successfully if the actions needed to restore the snapshot completed successfully. Otherwise, it returns an error.


$ rladmin node 2 snapshot restore snap2
Reading node snapshot 'snap2' for node:2
Planning restore
Planned actions:
* migrate redis:15 to node:2
* failover redis:14
* migrate redis:17 to node:2
* failover redis:16
* migrate redis:19 to node:2
* failover redis:18
* migrate redis:21 to node:2
* failover redis:20
Proceed?[Y]es/[N]o? Y
2022-05-12T19:43:31.486613 Scheduling 8 actions
[2022-05-12T19:43:31.521422 Actions Status: 8 waiting ]
* [migrate redis:21 to node:2] waiting => executing
* [migrate redis:19 to node:2] waiting => executing
* [migrate redis:17 to node:2] waiting => executing
* [migrate redis:15 to node:2] waiting => executing
[2022-05-12T19:43:32.586084 Actions Status: 4 executing | 4 waiting ]
* [migrate redis:21 to node:2] executing => finished
* [migrate redis:19 to node:2] executing => finished
* [migrate redis:17 to node:2] executing => finished
* [migrate redis:15 to node:2] executing => finished
* [failover redis:20] waiting => executing
* [failover redis:18] waiting => executing
* [failover redis:16] waiting => executing
* [failover redis:14] waiting => executing
[2022-05-12T19:43:33.719496 Actions Status: 4 finished | 4 executing ]
* [failover redis:20] executing => finished
* [failover redis:18] executing => finished
* [failover redis:16] executing => finished
* [failover redis:14] executing => finished
Snapshot restore completed successfully.
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