DB metrics

Documents the DB metrics used with Redis Enterprise Software REST API calls.

Redis Enterprise Software
Metric name Type Description
avg_latency float Average latency of operations on the DB (microseconds). Only returned when there is traffic.
avg_other_latency float Average latency of other (non read/write) operations (microseconds). Only returned when there is traffic.
avg_read_latency float Average latency of read operations (microseconds). Only returned when there is traffic.
avg_write_latency float Average latency of write operations (microseconds). Only returned when there is traffic.
big_del_flash float Rate of key deletes for keys on flash (BigRedis) (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
big_del_ram float Rate of key deletes for keys in RAM (BigRedis) (key access/sec); this includes write misses (new keys created). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
big_fetch_flash float Rate of key reads/updates for keys on flash (BigRedis) (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
big_fetch_ram float Rate of key reads/updates for keys in RAM (BigRedis) (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
big_io_ratio_flash float Rate of key operations on flash. Can be used to compute the ratio of I/O operations (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
big_io_ratio_redis float Rate of Redis operations on keys. Can be used to compute the ratio of I/O operations (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
big_write_flash float Rate of key writes for keys on flash (BigRedis) (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
big_write_ram float Rate of key writes for keys in RAM (BigRedis) (key access/sec); this includes write misses (new keys created). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
bigstore_io_dels float Rate of key deletions from flash (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
bigstore_io_read_bytes float Throughput of I/O read operations against backend flash
bigstore_io_reads float Rate of key reads from flash (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
bigstore_io_write_bytes float Throughput of I/O write operations against backend flash
bigstore_io_writes float Rate of key writes from flash (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
bigstore_iops float Rate of I/O operations against backend flash for all shards of the DB (BigRedis) (ops/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
bigstore_kv_ops float Rate of value read/write/del operations against backend flash for all shards of the DB (BigRedis) (key access/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled
bigstore_objs_flash float Value count on flash (BigRedis). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
bigstore_objs_ram float Value count in RAM (BigRedis). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
bigstore_throughput float Throughput of I/O operations against backend flash for all shards of the DB (BigRedis) (bytes/sec). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
conns float Number of client connections to the DB’s endpoints
disk_frag_ratio float Flash fragmentation ratio (used/required). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
egress_bytes float Rate of outgoing network traffic to the DB’s endpoint (bytes/sec)
evicted_objects float Rate of key evictions from DB (evictions/sec)
expired_objects float Rate keys expired in DB (expirations/sec)
fork_cpu_system float % cores utilization in system mode for all Redis shard fork child processes of this database
fork_cpu_user float % cores utilization in user mode for all Redis shard fork child processes of this database
ingress_bytes float Rate of incoming network traffic to the DB’s endpoint (bytes/sec)
instantaneous_ops_per_sec float Request rate handled by all shards of the DB (ops/sec)
last_req_time date, ISO_8601 format Last request time received to the DB (ISO format 2015-07-05T22:16:18Z). Returns 1/1/1970 when unavailable.
last_res_time date, ISO_8601 format Last response time received from DB (ISO format 2015-07-05T22:16:18Z). Returns 1/1/1970 when unavailable.
main_thread_cpu_system float % cores utilization in system mode for all Redis shard main threads of this database
main_thread_cpu_user float % cores utilization in user mode for all Redis shard main threads of this database
mem_frag_ratio float RAM fragmentation ratio (RSS/allocated RAM)
mem_not_counted_for_evict float Portion of used_memory (in bytes) not counted for eviction and OOM errors
mem_size_lua float Redis Lua scripting heap size (bytes)
monitor_sessions_count float Number of client connected in monitor mode to the DB
no_of_expires float Number of volatile keys in the DB
no_of_keys float Number of keys in the DB
other_req float Rate of other (non read/write) requests on DB (ops/sec)
other_res float Rate of other (non read/write) responses on DB (ops/sec)
pubsub_channels float Count the pub/sub channels with subscribed clients
pubsub_patterns float Count the pub/sub patterns with subscribed clients
ram_overhead float Non values RAM overhead (BigRedis) (bytes). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
read_hits float Rate of read operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec)
read_misses float Rate of read operations accessing a nonexistent key (ops/sec)
read_req float Rate of read requests on DB (ops/sec)
read_res float Rate of read responses on DB (ops/sec)
shard_cpu_system float % cores utilization in system mode for all Redis shard processes of this database
shard_cpu_user float % cores utilization in user mode for the Redis shard process
total_connections_received float Rate of new client connections to the DB (connections/sec)
total_req float Rate of all requests on DB (ops/sec)
total_res float Rate of all responses on DB (ops/sec)
used_bigstore float Flash used by DB (BigRedis) (bytes). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
used_memory float Memory used by DB (in BigRedis this includes flash) (bytes)
used_ram float RAM used by DB (BigRedis) (bytes). Only returned when BigRedis is enabled.
write_hits float Rate of write operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec)
write_misses float Rate of write operations accessing a nonexistent key (ops/sec)
write_req float Rate of write requests on DB (ops/sec)
write_res float Rate of write responses on DB (ops/sec)
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