Node metrics

Documents the node metrics used with Redis Enterprise Software REST API calls.

Redis Enterprise Software
Metric name Type Description
available_flash float Available flash on the node (bytes)
available_memory float Available RAM on the node (bytes)
avg_latency float Average latency of requests handled by endpoints on the node (micro-sec); returned only when there is traffic
bigstore_free float Free space of backend flash (used by flash DB's BigRedis) (bytes); returned only when BigRedis is enabled
bigstore_iops float Rate of I/O operations against backend flash for all shards which are part of a flash-based DB (BigRedis) on the node (ops/sec); returned only when BigRedis is enabled
bigstore_kv_ops float Rate of value read/write operations against backend flash for all shards which are part of a flash-based DB (BigRedis) on the node (ops/sec); returned only when BigRedis is enabled
bigstore_throughput float Throughput of I/O operations against backend flash for all shards which are part of a flash-based DB (BigRedis) on the node (bytes/sec); returned only when BigRedis is enabled
conns float Number of clients connected to endpoints on the node
cpu_idle float CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent)
cpu_system float CPU time portion spent in kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent)
cpu_user float CPU time portion spent by users-pace processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent)
cur_aof_rewrites float Number of current AOF rewrites by shards on this node
egress_bytes float Rate of outgoing network traffic to the node (bytes/sec)
ephemeral_storage_avail float Disk space available to Redis Enterprise processes on configured ephemeral disk (bytes)
ephemeral_storage_free float Free disk space on configured ephemeral disk (bytes)
free_memory float Free memory on the node (bytes)
ingress_bytes float Rate of incoming network traffic to the node (bytes/sec)
persistent_storage_avail float Disk space available to Redis Enterprise processes on configured persistent disk (bytes)
persistent_storage_free float Free disk space on configured persistent disk (bytes)
provisional_flash float Amount of flash available for new shards on this node, taking into account overbooking, max Redis servers, reserved flash, and provision and migration thresholds (bytes)
provisional_memory float Amount of RAM available for new shards on this node, taking into account overbooking, max Redis servers, reserved memory, and provision and migration thresholds (bytes)
total_req float Request rate handled by endpoints on the node (ops/sec)
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