
Solve and report simple problems with RDI

The following sections explain how you can get extra information from Redis Data Integration (RDI) to help you solve problems that you may encounter. Redis support may also ask you to provide this information to help you resolve issues.

Debug information during installation

If the installer fails with an error, then try installing again with the log level set to DEBUG:

./ -l DEBUG   # Installer script
redis-di install -l DEBUG    # Install command

This gives you more detail about the installation steps and can often help you to pinpoint the source of the error.

RDI logs

By default, RDI records the following logs in the host VM file system at /opt/rdi/logs (or whichever path you specified during installation);

Filename Phase
rdi_collector-collector-initializer.log Initializing the collector.
rdi_collector-debezium-ssl-init.log Establishing the connector SSL connections to the source and RDI database (if you are using SSL).
rdi_collector-collector-source.log Collector change data capture (CDC) operations.
rdi_rdi-rdi-operator.log Main RDI control plane component.
rdi_processor-processor.log RDI stream processing.

Logs are recorded at the minimum INFO level in a simple format that log analysis tools can use.

Often during the initial sync phase, the collector source log will contain a message saying RDI is out of memory. This is not an error but an informative message to say that RDI is applying backpressure to the collector. See Backpressure mechanism in the Architecture guide for more information.

Dump support package

If you need to send a comprehensive set of forensics data to Redis support, run the redis-di dump-support-package command from the CLI.

This command gathers the following data:

  • All the internal RDI components and their status
  • All internal RDI configuration
  • List of secret names used by RDI components (but not the secrets themselves)
  • RDI logs
  • RDI component versions
  • Output from the redis-di status command
  • Text of the config.yaml file
  • Text of the Job configuration files
  • [optional] RDI DLQ streams content
  • Rejected records along with the reason for their rejection (should not exist in production)
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